Reservations: For Whom And For What?
The brewing Kapu agitation and the recent Hardik Patel led the agitation for BC (Backward Class) status for Patidars (Patels) in Gujarat has reignited passions and stirred up debates about reservat…
रमाबाई अम्बेडकर को याद करते हुए
रमाबाई अम्बेडकर
जालिमों से लड़ती भीम की रमाबाई थी
मजलूमों को बढ़ के जो,आँचल उढ़ाई थी
जाति धर्म चक्की में पिसते अवाम को
दलदल में डूबते समाज को बचाई थी
एक-एक पैसे से,भीम को पढ़ाई थी
मेहनत मजदूरी से…
What is the caste of your food?
Brahmins have infected everything from foods to cricket, everything has its own caste. Here are some of the pictures showing caste in the food items. What is the caste of your food? Let me know in …
Why being Non-Casteist isn't just enough!
Last week, I asked on Twitter that are you Non-casteist or Anti-casteism? (Non-Casteist = Don’t discriminate Anti-Casteism = Want whole caste system end)…
5th February in Dalit History – Dr. Ambedkar Introduced Hindu Code Bill In The Parliament, Hindu Leaders Opposed It
5 February 1951: Hindu Code bill was introduced in the Parliament
Following India’s independence, Jawaharlal Nehru entrusted his first Law Minister Dr. Ambedkar, who belonged to the Scheduled Cast…
5th February (1988) in Dalit History – Remembering Dalits’ Fight To Get “Riddles in Hinduism” Published
5 February 1988: Massive counter-demonstration of Dalits pin the Government of Maharashtra to publish the “Riddles in Hinduism”
With the death centenary of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule and the birth cent…
Caste on a Chennai Supermarket Shelf
Wonder if they will soon start asking for caste certificate to buy these products!
Check also – Watch – ‘Caste on the Menu Card’ documentary
Documentary – Bant Singh : The Warrior
Bant Singh
Bant Singh is a lower caste Mazhabi, Sikh labourer and singer from the Jhabhar village in Mansa district, Punjab, India, who has emerged as…
भीम दोहे
भीम दोहे
नीच समझ जिस भीम को, देते सब दुत्कार |
कलम उठाकर हाथ में, कर गये देश सुधार ||१||
जांत-पांत के भेद की, तोड़ी हर दीवार |
बहुजन हित में भीम ने, वार दिया परिवार ||२||
4th February 1889 in Dalit History – Phules’ Adopted Son, Dr. Yashwant Married to Radha, Saughter of Sasane
04 Feb 1889: Phules’ adopted son, Dr.Yashwant was married to Radha the daughter of Sasane.
The Satyashodhak Samaj (The Truth-Seekerís Society) was established on 24 September 1873, and Savitribai …
4th February 1956 in Dalit History – Dr. Ambedkar Renamed “Janata” Newspaper As “Pradbuddha Bharat”
Caste at College
Only seven out of every 100 hundred teachers in colleges and universities across the country were from the Scheduled Castes last year. Those from the Scheduled Tribes were even worse off, numbering…
[Photos] Mumbai stands up for #JusticeForRohith
Mumbai stands up for #JusticeForRohith on 1st February 2016. Few photos from the protest.
Check also –
- #JusticeForRohith – From London to Michigan, San Francisco to Boston to Johannesburg – Pro…
[PDF] Writings & Speeches of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in English
Writings & Speeches of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar in English
- Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 1
- Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches Vol. 2
- Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writ…
Are you Non-casteist or Anti-casteism?
I have started another poll on Twitter asking people whether they are non-castiest or anti-casteism?
Non-Casteist = I don’t discriminate.
Anti-Casteism = I want whole caste system to end.
Vote b…