How the Buddhists and Jains were Persecuted in Ancient Brahmin India
“… Hiuen-Tsang, who visited India from 629 to 645 AD, describes the influence of a south Indian Brahmin queen on her husband who ordered the execution of many thousand Buddhists including 8,000 in …
Sati Was Started For Preserving Caste
Sati Was Started For Preserving Caste
Dr. K. Jamanadas
With the much discussed subject, now in India, about a so called “sati” of Charanshah, in village Satpura in Uttar Pradesh, some information a…
Hum Ladenge Sathi: A protest song-video on #RohithVemula and #StandWithJNU
Poetry: Avtar Singh Paash
Composition: Ravinder Randhawa
Song from ‘Aaj Ke Naam’, a music album by Majma
Constitutional Safeguards for Dalits
The important Constitutional safeguards for SCs & STs are mentioned below:
(a) Directive Principles of State Polic…
राज्यसभा में उठाये प्रश्नो का जबाब मिलना ही चाहिए।
राज्यसभा में उठाये प्रश्नो का जबाब मिलना ही चाहिए।
मायावती जी की स्मृति को चुनौती, अब क्या चरणों में सिर काटकर रखेंगी?
मैं स्मृति ईरानी के जवाब से संतुष्ट नहीं हूं, अब क्या मंत्री अपना वादा निभाए…
We Know How to Peal the Skin Of The Cow! #EatBeef
Started Freedom Struggle!
Heroes! Get Ready for the Battle
Train More Heroes and Heroines and Settle
With a Determination to Share Power to Rule!
Without the Freedom of the Untouchables
There …
How Brahmins Killed Buddhism In India?
We do not find the word “Hindu” in any ancient Hindu (Aryan) literature. Even then the Hindu Nazis propagate the falsehood that 85% of the Indians are the Hindus and India is a Hindu na…
Caste and Hinduism – By Gail Omvedt
M V Nadkarni’s recent article “Is Caste System Intrinsic to Hinduism?: Demolishing a Myth”, (EPW, November 8, 2003) comes as a follow-up to his earlier article “Ethics and Relevance of Conversions:…
Dr. Ambedkar's Perspective on Restructuring Indian Nation in the context of Dalit Question
Dr. Ambedkar’s Perspective on Restructuring Indian Nation in the context of Dalit Question
Written by – Sukhadeo Thorat
The Caste System in its classical form is an unique institution …
Mahishasura, Asura… – What Dr. Ambedkar said
A comparison between the Vedic and Puranic Goddesses raises some interesting questions. One of them is quite obvious. Vedic literature is full of references to wars against the Asuras. The literatu…
Behan Mayawati's speech at Rajya Sabha on Rohith Vemula issue
Behan Mayawati’s speech at Rajya Sabha on Rohith Vemula issue
We are not convinced by the government’s clarification, will (Manu) Smriti Irani chop off …
We demand #JusticeForRohith #RohithAct
23rd February (1876) in Dalit History – Birth Anniversary of Gadge Baba
Gadge Baba was social reformer born in Amravati district of Maharashtra.
Check out also – संत गाडगे बाबा जी की जीवनी पर आधारित एक डॉक्युमेंटरी।