Institutional Murder of Dalit Engineering Student – Ajith Kumar
Dalit, Ajith Kumar (21) was studying second year B.E civil engineering in St.Joseph college of engineering, Pennalur village, Kanchipuram dist. He was the youngest son of Gnanamani (56) a daily wag…
Treat Dalit Women as Equals before the Law: Radhika Vemula on International Women’s Day
“Last year, on the 118th Death Anniversary of Savitribai Phule, my son Rohith came home to Guntur and said, “Savitribai Phule” fought and struggled for Dalit Women. Rohith also said that the studen…
Casteism in Examination Halls!
This is a question from Higher Secondary Hindi exam paper which was held on March 5, 2016 in Madhya Pradesh. One of the choices offered for writing a 200 word essay is, ‘Why Caste-based reservation…
What Dr. Ambedkar said about Communism and Communist Parties
The Communist Party was originally in the hands of some Brahmin boys – Dange and others. They have been trying to win over the Maratha community and the Scheduled Castes. But they have made no he…
ब्राह्मणवाद और कम्युनिज्म एक ही हैं – बाबासाहेब अंबेडकर
बाबासाहेब ने जनता अख़बार के सम्पादकीय में स्पष्ट रूप से लिखा की, “ब्राह्मणवाद और कम्युनिज्म एक ही हैं।” (१२ फ़रवरी १९५५)
बाबासाहेब के अनुसार आरएसएस और कम्युनिस्ट एक ही थाली के चट्टे-बट्टे हैं।
What Dr Ambedkar said about Communists & Socialists criticizing the Constitution of India
The condemnation of the Constitution largely comes from two quarters, the Communist Party and the Socialist Party. Why do they condemn the Constitution? Is it because it is really a bad Constitutio…
1952, CPI founding member – "spoil your votes but don't vote Dr. Ambedkar", Dr Ambedkar lost election
We know your love for Dalits since Dr. Ambedkar’s time. If you have forgotten, let me remind you what CPI founding member, Shripad Amrit Dange, had said during 1952 elections. In his vile …
Comrades, shall we start the revolution?
Comrades, shall we start the revolution?
Communism, as it is, is a sugar coated poisonous pill. Beware! – E. V. R. Periyar
The leader of the Congress party is a Brahmin. The leader of the socialists is a Brahmin. The leader of the communists is a Brahmin. The leader of the Hindu Maha Sabha is a Brahmin. The leader of R…
[PDF] Buddha or Karl Marx – Dr. Ambedkar’s Book in Marathi and English
[PDF] Buddha or Karl Marx – Dr. Ambedkar’s Book in Marathi, Books by Dr. Ambedkar.
Lal Salam, Comrade! Dalit has a few questions..
[Video] Dr. Ambedkar launches Kalaram Temple Satyagraha
Dr. Ambedkar launches Kalaram Temple Satyagraha, a part from Dr. Ambedkar movie.
#Budget2016 once again fails to deliver for the Dalit Adivasis
On February 29, Union Finance Minister delivered the second full budget of the BJP-NDA government. Though we applaud the allocation of Rs. 500 crores under the stand-up India scheme for SC/ST entr…
2nd March (1930) in Dalit History – Nashik Kalaram Temple Satyagraha Started
2nd March (1930) in Dalit History – Nashik Kalaram Temple Satyagraha started
Kalaram Temple entry movement formed a pivotal role in the Dalit movement in India. B. K (Dadasaheb) Gaikwad and Dr. …
दलित छात्र रोहित की माँ से मिली मायावती जी
मायावती ने परिवार के लोगों को सांत्वना देते हुये कहा कि रोहित वेमुला को आत्महत्या ने देश के लोगों को बेचैन कर दिया है।
लखनऊ : बहुजन समाज पार्टी की राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष, सांसद (राज्यसभा) व पूर्व मुख्यम…