Why Does Post Election UP Analysis Raises Many Questions?
In over 210 seats, the BJP won by the margin of 20000 votes. The largest margin was the Sahibabad where the BJP candidate won by 1.5 lakhs votes. Reflecting on the BJP’s performance in 2004 of just…
Dalits Need to Learn Business & Finance As Soon As Possible
Lack of capital is a major problem but we have good experience by now, we must keep trying somehow because even after working so hard in almost every sector we have remained poorest in this country…
मान्यवर कांशीराम साहब की 05 पैसे की कहानी – प्रेरक प्रसंग
प्रेरक प्रसंग !
सन 1972 में हमने पूना में अपना छोटा सा कार्यालय खोला । शायद बहुजन समाज मूमेंट का वो पहला कार्यालय था । मैं उस समय रेलवे में नौकरी करता था ।
नौकरी के लिए मुझे रोज पूना से मुंबई…
BAMCEF’s Continued Fight Against EVM Since 2014
Who is responsible for EVM tampering? What shall we do?
Firstly, I encourage SP & BSP to join hands against EVM Machines and I extend my organizational support to them in fighting this undemocra…
Assertive Politics, Not Identity Politics
Written by Nijam Gara
Whenever Uttar Pradesh and/or Bihar go to polls, the media is agog with the term ‘identity politics’. The shrill campaign coverage of mainstream media paints identity polit…
17th January – Rohith Vemula Shahadat Din
On 17th January Rohith Vemula, a Dalit student from the University of Hyderabad was forced to commit suicide by University administrations.
In the memory of Rohith Vemula, an event is being orga…
Google Doodle on Savitribai Phule
Google Doodle on Savitribai Phule – Displayed on 3rd January 2017
Rohith Vemula Documentary Trailer
Who deserves to be on the Indian currency?
So since when Dalits were allowed to worship Tulsi?
So since when Dalits were allowed to worship Tulsi?
I come from Punjab of Brahmin India and remember my father telling me that Brahmins never liked that Dalits grow Tulsi plant at their homes, l…
The Ballot or the Bullet – By Saheb Kanshi Ram Ji
What does Dr. Ambedkar mean to me?
1. Babasaheb Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar meant to me a call ( educate, agitate, organise) to capture political power (which is the master key for the solution to all problems.)
2. Going back in the time s…
Dr. Ambedkar’s portrait at Gray’s Inn, London, only Indian who found a place there!
Rich tributes were paid to Dr Ambedkar on his 60th Mahaparinirvana Day (Death Anniversary) by the FABO UK members. the day started11am from India House, Indian High Commission where a short meeting…
Project Heartland – Swachh Bharat : Plight and assertion of Valmikis
There have been so many debates on Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan.But to which extent it is working? And what is the situation of the people who actually clean India? This episode follows the story of Kira…
A tribute to the Great Revolutionary and True Inheritor of Dr Ambedkar’s Legacy: Bahujan Nayak Manyawar Kanshiram
” I will never get married,
I will never acquire any property,
I will never visit my home,
I will devote and dedicate the rest
of my life to achieve the goals
of Phule -Ambedkar movement”