Why Brahmins Started Worshipping the Cow and Stop Eating Beef? – What Dr Ambedkar Said
Dalit-Muslims and minority communities are being attacked by Gau Rakshak Terrorists in India on the daily basis since Modi and co. led BJP came into power in 2014. Now, after winning the election i…
Dalit-Bahujans Guide to Understand Caste in Hindu Vedas and Scriptures
Brahmins and so-called upper castes in India have used religion as a tool to suppress so-called lower castes. They have used religious scriptures and Vedas to justify their actions and promote hatr…
Prasar Bharati, Web Channel and Propaganda of BJP/RSS
Prasar Bharati is launching a web channel worth 75 crores for the propaganda of the BJP/RSS. It is not new that Prasar Bharati work for the ruling government in India.
Media is an important pron…
Dalit History Month – Remembering Kandhamal Dalit Christians Killings By RSS/VHP
Today in Dalit History, we mourn our fallen during the ethnic cleansing of Dalits and Adivasis in Kandhamal, Orissa. From August to December 2008, thousands of Dalits and Adivasis belonging to the …
Which Is Worse – Slavery Or Untouchability? – Dr. Ambedkar’s Own Words
Dr. Ambedkar has dealt with the subject of Slavery and Untouchability in chapter 3 & 8 of Vol. 5 of this series, under the caption-‘ Roots of the Problem ‘ ‘ Parallel cases ‘.
We have however no…
Race and Caste in India – Words India Just Doesn’t Want to Hear!
Race and Caste both are problems in India. Race and Caste both are wrong and for that matter discrimination or bias of any kind is wrong. Racism is as we all know is discrimination based on people …
On Caste and the Opposite Roles of Identity
The way stigmatization works for the lower caste is that one single mention of your caste name or some caste-based slur and it immediately causes the entire building of your identity to crumble dow…
Dalit History Month – Honoring Ayyankali – Watch out! Ayyankali is on His Way!
Today in Dalit History we honor Ayyankali, the Dalit firebrand in Kerala who fought Caste apartheid. A contemporary of Ambedkar, he was born into the Pulaya community in Thiruvananthapuram.
When Dr Ambedkar Becomes Muhammad
It is ironic that a man who was defiantly against hero worship today is worshiped more than any other individual from the last 100 years in India. It is understandable that idolisation of Ambedkar …
Annihilation of Caste Should Be Read in the Parliament on Dr Ambedkar Jayanti
In next few days, on Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti almost every political party would start chanting about Dr. Ambedkar and almost every Indian politician would shower flowers on the statue of Dr. Babasaheb…
Murdering the Constitution – Amendments in the Right to Information Act
The Government does not exist for its own sake, but it exists to serve the citizens. Therefore the business of the Government must be transparent to the citizens. Citizens have right to know what t…
Dalit History Month – Honouring the Contribution of Fatima Sheikh
Today in Dalit History, we honour the contribution of a Muslim woman, Fatima Sheikh, who stood steadfast in solidarity with the cause of educating Dalits, Adivasis, Shudras, and women at a time whe…
Watching Football Match to Movie Release – 17 Dr Ambedkar Photos You Haven’t Seen
All of us have seen many photos of Babasaheb Ambedkar but here are a few rare images of Dr Ambedkar which many of us might not have seen before. Let us know in the comments if you have seen these a…
Caste System Remains the Biggest Threat to Democracy
Despite a great threat to their own existence inside the JNU campuses which is being ‘cleaned’ to maintain Brahmanical hegemony (it was always there but in a better ‘coordinated’ and sophisticated …
The Mahar Movement’s Military Component
n the Bombay Army, `the Brahmin stands shoulder to shoulder in the ranks, nay sleeps in the same tent with his Parwari soldier, and dreams not of any objection to the arrangement.’
–Brigadier Jo…