BJP’s Gift for SC/ST/OBC Students on Ambedkar Jayanti – Ended Reservation for Post-Graduation Courses in Private Medical Colleges
Behan Mayawati was right when she was speaking in her speeches that after coming to power BJP government will end reservation for SC/ST/OBCs. Yogi Adityanath led BJP government in Uttar Pradesh ann…
What Does Babasaheb Ambedkar Mean To You?
We asked on the social media what does Babasaheb Ambedkar mean to different people. Here are a few of the replies from the various people on what does Babasaheb Ambedkar mean to them. This post is …
How First Time I Learnt About Babasaheb Ambedkar
We recently asked people on the social media that how did they first time learn about Babasaheb Ambedkar. This is the part-II on the series. You can read the first part from here – When and How Did…
Mother, Manu and Poverty
Mother, Manu and Poverty article was written some time back in the wake of RSS Chief Bhagwat’s remarks on the Mother Teressa.
When Mohan Bhagwat, Chief of RSS said ‘Mother Teresa’s service may h…
वह समय दूर नहीं की भारत देश भारत रत्न डॉ आंबेडकर के संविधान के बजाय मनुस्मृति पर चले
आरक्षण को आधार बना कर मनुवादी सरकारे मनुस्मृति को लगातार भारत पर लागु करना चाहती है। मनुवादी लोगो को बाबासाहेब के दवारा दलितों के लिए ले कर दिया गया क़ानूनी अधिकार बिलकुल भी अच्छे नहीं लगते इस लिए व…
Dalit History Month – Manusmriti Dahan Din
“But a Shudra, whether bought or not bought (by the Brahmin) may be compelled to practice servitude, for that Shudra was created by the self-existent merely for the service of the Brahmin. Even if …
Is National Commission of Backward Classes (NCBC) Solution to Problems of India’s 54% Backward Classes (Shudras)?
The BJP/RSS Government is trying to appease the backward classes and the bill to constitute NCBC as the constitutional body in the line of National Commission of Scheduled Caste (NCSC). The most im…
When and How Did You First Time Learn About Babasaheb Ambedkar?
We asked our followers on social media that when and how did they first time learn about Babasaheb Ambedkar. Here are a few of the replies. We will write another post soon if we will get more repli…
20 झूठ जो ऊँची जाति के लोग दलित और पिछड़े वर्गों के विषय में बोलते है
कुछ अफ़वाए एवं धारणाये दलित और पिछड़े वर्गों के विषय में पूरे भारत में फैलायी जा रही है अपने आप को उच्च जाती का बताने वाले यह धारणाये समाज में फैलाकर डराते है। यहाँ कुछ मुख्य मिथक जो ऊंची जाती के मा…
Mother Teresa – It’s Bitter But It’s True
If you judge people, you have no time to love them. – Mother Teresa
Ok, as we have quoted Mother Teresa in the beginning now it is a time to judge her and her work!
Mother Teresa didn’t come in…
Twitter Launched Dr Ambedkar Emoji on Dr Ambedkar Jayanti
The following article was written in 2017, this year (2020) apart from hashtag #DalitLivesMatter, rest of the hashtags will activate Babasaheb Ambedkar emoji on Twitter. – editor
We can notice o…
Dalit History Month – Grace Banu
Today in Dalit History, we uplift the voice of Grace Banu. Grace was born in Tamil Nadu into a Dalit family. Very early on, in school, she was not allowed to attend the regular hours of 9.30am to 4…
[PDF] Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Books in Gujarati
Here are a few of the Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Books in Gujarati. These are just a few of the writings and speeches of Dr Ambedkar. In case you have any other volume, please send us and we will update…
To Jyotiba, Savitribai Phule’s Love Letters
To Jyotiba, From Savitribai Phule’s Love Letters
Savitribai Phule, arguably India’s first woman teacher and a forgotten liberator, was born on January 3, 1831. With the first school for girls fr…
दलित इतिहास महीना – ज्योतिराव फुले को याद करते हुए
आज का दलित इतिहास माह Dalit History पोस्ट हम महात्मा ज्योतिराव फुले जी को उनके जन्मदिन पर समर्पित करते हैं – जो की उनीसवीं सदी के महान कार्यकर्ता, बुद्धजीवी, तथा सामाजिक क्रन्तिकारी थे. हालांकि वे …