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Does Dravidian Politics Induce Hatred Especially Against Brahmins?
Before I go into that topic does Dravidian politics induce hatred especially against Brahmins,
Let me tell you something…
Both Hindutva (RSS) and Dravidian Politics (DK) was started at the …
Upcoming Karnataka Elections and Dalits
Karnataka is an interesting state in terms of political shifts. It also sees many politicians crossing party lines frequently. The present CM of Karnataka is one such example. And recently an ex-CM…
Dalit, Queer, Proud – Liberation Lies at the Margins of Our Intersections – Dhrubo Jyoti
“On 29th November 2015, three young queer Dalits changed the face the Delhi queer pride. Dhrubo Jyoti, a journalist, Akhil Khang, a lawyer and Dhiren Borisa, a doctoral student, held up beautiful s…
[Poem] Untouchable – Sacrifice of Centuries
He sat there looking into space,
He did not dare to look at anything specific
Lest he be misunderstood for being arrogant;
He breathed slowly, sparingly
Exhaled …
The BJP Convention in Odisha
Odisha will see state elections in the coming months. It is one of the poorest states in India and its caste configuration is similar to other states, but the population of the Scheduled Castes is …
Is Gandhi a Mahatma? – What Dr Ambedkar Said
Is Gandhi a Mahatma? I am sick of this question. There are two reasons why this question annoys me. Firstly, I hate all the Mahatmas and firmly believe that they should be done away with. I am of t…
Caste Prevents Hindus from Forming a Real Society or Nation – Dr Ambedkar
Caste does not result in economic efficiency. Caste cannot improve and has not improved, the race. Caste has however done one thing. It has completely disorganized and demoralized the Hindus.
The …
Exhibits at the Anti-Caste Photo Exhibition in Germany
On occasion of the 126th Birth anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, students and research fellows from the Centre for Modern Indian Studies at the University of Goettingen organised an anti-caste pho…
Anti-Caste Photo Exhibition in Germany – 12-13 April 2017, University of Goettingen
On occasion of the 126th Birth anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, students and research fellows from the Centre for Modern Indian Studies at the University of Goettingen organised an anti-caste pho…
शिक्षा संघर्ष और संघठन
पहली पंक्ति मे गलियारे के पास वाली कुर्सी पर बैठा हूं, सारी कुर्सियाँ भरी हैं. आईआईटी, एमबीबीएस, सीए, कमर्शियल पायलट, न्यायिक सेवा, आईएएस और भी न जाने कितनी ही परीक्षाओं मे परचम लहराने वाले दलित मि…
Best Photos From Dr Ambedkar Jayanti
These are a few photos/images/posters which caught our attention on social media. We think these are the best pictures in circulation on the 126th birth anniversary, Dr Ambedkar Jayanti 2017, the c…
Dalit History Month – Happy Dr Ambedkar Jayanti To All
Dalit History today is honoured to write a post on our dear Babasaheb on this special day and wishes everyone happy Dr Ambedkar Jayanti to everyone. While to the most of the world, Dr B. R Ambedkar…
Dravidians and Nagas Are One And The Same People – Dr Ambedkar
Who are the Dravidians? Are they different from the Nagas? Or are they two different names for a people of the same race? It is a fact that the term Dravidians and Nagas are merely two different na…
Facts About Babasaheb Ambedkar You Didn’t Know
The following article was written on the occasion of Labour Day but is valid on Dr Ambedkar Jayanti also. There are many facts about Babasaheb Ambedkar which are kept hidden from common masses in I…