[PDF] In Bengali – Dr B R Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches
Here are a few of Dr B R Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches in Bengali. These are just a few of the books of Dr Ambedkar in Bengali. In case you have any other volumes, please send us and we will upd…
Top 10 Privileges Upper Castes in India Enjoy
Recently we published Top 10 Privileges Brahmin Men Enjoy article in which benefits Brahmin men enjoy were discussed and it was received well by everyone. Many said that it was the first time in In…
आरक्षण आर्थिक आधार पर होना बहुत ही स्वार्थी तर्क है
जी हाँ हो सकता है की आरक्षण का नाम सुनते ही कईयों के मन में घ्रणा उत्पन्न हो जाये और उनके मन में प्रबल राष्ट्रवाद उत्पन्न हो जाये, हो सकता है कईयों को कांग्रेस की धर्म-निरपेक्षता की निति का खयाल आ …
Why All is Not Fair in Love and War, Mr. Madhav!
Ram Madhav, the BJP leader, in the context of Kashmir, said that “all is fair in love and war”. Born and bred in the RSS culture, Ram Madhav is simply reflecting the ethics of RSS/BJP.
The much …
What Kanshi Ram Saheb Would Have Done In The Shifting Political Landscape In India
Building the party is the most important step in making the party an effective instrument of using power in the Indian democratic setup. With the changing landscape in Indian politics leaves many t…
Somebody Please Save Hindu Women
In the last few months, we have heard a lot about Triple Talaq, Muslim women and how to save them and mainstream media has ignored Hindu women. Is it another political stunt by BJP and Modi govern…
Depiction of Cultural Politics of Caste
This Paper is an attempt to look closely at the prose work of V.T. Rajshekar, Aggression on Indian Culture, to see how the writer mobilizes his languages and social analysis to locate the instances…
Forbidden Apple – Mandal Commission and L K Advani’s Rath Yatra – Chariot of Hatred
V P Singh’s government was starting to think about the Mandal Commission report and its recommendations. Savarna superiority and Sanatan Religion were in danger. How to save Sanatan Dharm now? Woul…
बाबा साहेब अम्बेड़कर या भगवान अम्बेड़कर – तय करो क्या चाहिए
एक बडा सा छायादार वृक्ष, हर कोई उसकी छाया मे बैठ सके, आराम कर सके. फिर प्रवेश होता है परजीवियों का अमरबेल कह लो, वो धीरे धीरे सारे वृक्ष पर छाती चली जाती है. अब कुछ सालों बाद वृक्ष मर जाता है और छा…
गौ रक्षा के नाम पर अत्याचार और लूट को रोके सरकार
एक अप्रेल को राजस्थान के ‘गौ भक्तो” ने अपनी ‘देशभक्ति” का परिचय देते हुए एक निरपराध किसान को राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग अलवर बहरोड़ रोड में बेरहमी से मार डाला। उसका कसूर सिर्फ इतना के वह गाय पालने वाला मु…
Upcoming Book – What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means to Me
On his 125th birth anniversary, in the act of remembering Babasaheb Ambedkar, The Shared Mirror invited young writers to send in articles on the theme of ‘What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means to Me’.
Priesthood Should Be Based On Qualification, Not Heredity – Dr Ambedkar
While I condemn a Religion of Rules, I must not be understood to hold the opinion that there is no necessity for a religion. On the contrary, I agree with Burke when he says that “True religion is …
Top 10 Privileges Brahmin Men Enjoy
Brahmins, especially Brahmin men, are rarely questioned by so-called feminists and feminists groups led by so-called upper castes. They take up every space and people sometimes even protect their m…
Babri Masjid – Never Ending Wait For Justice
Supreme Court on Wednesday, 19th April 2017, restored criminal conspiracy charges against BJP leaders L.K. Advani, Murali Manohar Joshi, Uma Bharti and13 others in Babri Masjid demolition case. It …
Ram Rajya is Anti-Women, Racist and Castiest Kingdom
Hindu nationalists in the USA are losing no words to praise Trump and his divisive policies. Shalabh Kumar, a Hindu nationalist, close to Trump and was an integral part of Trump’s campaign iterated…