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CategoryWhy I Like Buddhism – Dr. Ambedkar’s Talk to BBC London
In the short time allotted to me, I am asked to answer two questions. First is ‘why I like Buddhism ’ and the second is ‘How useful it is to the world in its present circumstances.’
I prefer Bud…
Buddha and an Untouchable Man – Sunita
One day, as the Buddha and bhikkhus were begging in a village near the banks of the Ganga, the Buddha spotted a man carrying night soil. The man was an untouchable named Sunita.
Sunita had heard…
What Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Said about Nietzsche
So much of Nietzsche love on the Facebook. Here’s what Babasaheb Ambedkar had to says –
Is there any parallel to this philosophy? I hate to suggest it. But it is so obvious. The parallel to this…
Attention Folks – Hindutwa Laboratory at Work: Fair, Meritorious and Tall Babies are Ready for Delivery at Every Home!
A significant announcement of an English national daily recently to the effect that“RSS wing has prescription for fair, tall ‘customized’ babies” is a starling disclosure, comparable to a secret p…
Why Go For Conversion? – Speech by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
In 1935 at Nasik district, Maharashtra, Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar had declared his firm resolve to change his religion. He had declared that he was born as a Hindu but will not die as Hindu. About a ye…
Ravidas, Thakurs’ Arrogance, and Double Game
Judging by the influence and popularity of Ravidas, he was perhaps India’s most influential saint-revolutionary. He stood for the annihilation of caste and his impact reached all over in the Hindi …
Casteist Verses from Manusmriti – Law Book of Hindus
Manu divides Hindus into four varnas i.e. casteism. He not only divide Hindus into four varnas, he also grades them. Besides prescribing rank and occupation Manu grants privilege to swarnas and imp…
Some Excerpts from Manusmriti – Law Book of Hindus
What Manusmriti says? Read the casteist and discriminating quotes and verses from the Manusmriti, law book of Hindus that they follow religiously.
I – 91. One occupation only the lord prescribed…
For Dalits – What Jawaharlal Nehru, What Gandhi, What Modi; All Stink Equally
Let’s look at the statements from Jawaharlal Nehru, M K Gandhi and Narendra Modi. For judging them, notice the similarity in the below statements. What all these leaders spoke is basically RSS’s sa…
Is Love the Only Remedy on Caste?
The caste is inhuman and anti-human as it teaches one human to loath another human. It is founded on hatred. Babasaheb Ambedkar summarised the caste system: ascending the scale of reverence and a d…
Denunciation of Poona Pact By Dr Ambedkar That You Haven’t Read
The untouchables were forced to sign the Poona Pact under the impact of the coercive fast of Mr. Gandhi. Dr. Ambedkar denounced it the very next day expressing his views, “The untouchables were sad…
Civil Rights Movements, Democracy, and Buddhism
The Scheduled Caste constitutes 20 percent of India’s population according to NSSO. It translates into 240 million people. This is a big number, judged on the basis of the population of other count…
Aligarh – 2000 Dalits to Convert to Islam after Thakurs’ Atrocities in Saharanpur
I was born a Hindu but will not die one. – Dr Ambedkar, Yeola Conference, 1935
Dr. Ambedkar had said convert to – Islam, Christianity, Buddhism or any other religion that gives you equality. For…
From Cricket to Badminton – Brahmins’ Only Tournaments
In Jalandhar, Punjab, Brahmins’ only cricket tournament is going on and Brahminical media doesn’t have any problem with it. If Dalits formed Bhim Army to protect the honour of their family members,…
Understanding the Revolutionary Speech of Chandrasekhar Azad Ravan
The president of Bhim Army Chandrasekhar Azad (Ravan) has broken all sanatani cages and made his remarkable entry at Jantar Mantar Delhi on 21.05.2017. Chandrasekhar Azad from his speech has put fo…