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CategorySome Reflections on Rohingya Muslims Crisis
The Muslims in Myanmar living in Rakhine state and the Myanmar Government is clashing. This violent clash has led to the humanitarian crisis, refugee crisis, and the entanglement of the at least fo…
Brahmanism/Hinduism and Neo-Liberalism – A Perfect Deadly Cocktail
Neo-liberalism is a policy model of social studies and economics that transfers control of economic factors to the private sector from the public sector. It takes from the basic principles of neocl…
Understanding the Mind of RSS/BJP Through Education Policy
The RSS/BJP Government is bent on amending the NCERT books and they have spotted over 1000 amendments in many books including books on mathematics and sciences. These amendments have many saffron t…
Understanding the Mind of RSS/BJP – Legitimizing the Hindutva Terror
It is not a coincidence that the terrorists from the Brahiminised Hindu terror organizations like Abhinav Bharat and Sanatan Sanstha are released after the RSS/BJP came into power. The terrorists l…
Carrot and Stick Policy of the RSS/BJP
In the upcoming state elections in Tripura, the RSS/BJP is planning to woo 30 percent OBCs in the state. Out of them, 90 percent belong to Nath and one other dominant caste. The RSS/BJP will focus …
1945 में वित्त बिल पर बहस हुई तो डॉ. अंबेडकर जी ने शिकायत के तौर पर किस तरह गरज कर कहा
बनारस हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय एक विशेष जाति के हित संवर्धन का कार्य करता है। एक कायस्थ लड़की को इसके धर्मशास्त्र विभाग ने प्रवेश नहीं दिया। 1916 में इसके कॉर्ट ने गैर-ब्राह्मण को हिन्दू घर्म के प्रोफे…
Islam and Democracy – Can Indian Muslims Pave a Way for Real “Islam” and thus Democracy
The Economist covered a special report on Islam and Democracy in its current edition. It is interesting to read the developments in the Islamic world and its analysis from the point of view of the …
मंदिर नहीं है हमारा अंतिम लक्ष्य
डॉ. बाबा साहेब अंबेडकर जी ने अछूत वर्ग के मंदिर प्रवेश के लिए दो मुख्य आंदोलन चलाये थे। पूना के “पार्वतीवाई मंदिर” और नासिक के “कालाराम मंदिर” के लिए।
बाबा साहेब के द्वारा इन आंदोलनों का चलाने क…
Ignorance of Caste or Deliberate Lapse
In the Sunday Express, P. Chidambaram (PC), India’s famous Congress politician who officiated important posts like Commerce Minister, Finance Minister, and Home Minister wrote a small piece on cast…
Lower Castes, Bhakti Movement, and Failure of Ambedkarite Movement
In some remarkable analysis in the social media of possible failure of the Ambedkarite movement to reach out to the lower caste in Punjab and Haryana brought some interesting conclusions. It is tru…
हिंसा के लिए कोर्ट को जिम्मेदार बताने वाले नेता नगरी अदालत की अवमानना के असली गुनहगार है
सीबीआई की पंचकूला अदालत ने जैसे ही ढोंगी बाबा गुरमीत राम रहीम सिंह को बलात्कार का अपराधी ठहराया वैसे ही पंजाब और हरियाणा में बलात्कारी बाबा के भक्तों ने कानून अदालत तथा संविधान को ठेंगा दिखाते हुए …
डेरा सच्चा सौदा समर्थकों का आतंक ही असली देशद्रोह है
पंचकूला की सीबीआई अदालत द्वारा गुरमीत राम रहीम को 15 साल पुराने मामले में अपने ही डेरा के साध्वी के बलात्कार का दोषी करार दिया। अन्य घटनाओं से हटकर इस बार इनके भक्तों ने सन्नाटा नहीं बल्कि आतंक और …
Book Review – Where India Goes: Abandoned Toilets, Stunted Development and the Costs of Caste
You can order the book from Flipkart here.
This is the title of written by Diane Coffey and Dean Spears. The forward is written by Noble Prize winner economist, Augus Deaton. The authors work in…
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Advice to Christians of India, Which They Have Ignored
Speaking to Christians at Sholapur in January 1938, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar declared that he could say from his study of comparative religion that only two personalities had been able to captivate h…
Brahmin-Bania Capitalism – Adani and Infosys style
The Economic Times published an article on Indian companies in its recent edition. One of the disturbing nature of India Inc is that it controlled by the “Promoters” and not by the “stakeholders”. …