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Categoryयोगी साबित करें, क्या सूबे में दलित, पिछड़ा और मुसलमान ही अपराधी है
योगी सरकार आगे मानवाधिकार आयोग की नोटिस का जवाब देकर दिखाए
राज्य द्वारा हत्या को जायज ठहराने की कोशिश करने की वाले मुख्यमंत्री आदित्यनाथ को मानवाधिकार आयोग नोटिस भेजे
लखनऊ, 19 मार्च 18. रिहाई…
Brahmin Boys Distorting India’s History
Sharma, the cultural minister of India, is entrusted with a task to rewrite the history of India to suit the interests of the Brahmins. The twelve members committee consists of the Brahmin boys is …
जानिए कौन है पेरियार? जिनकी मूर्तियाँ तोड़ रहें है संघी, अगर वो जिंदा हो गये तो मर जायेंगे संघी!
जी हाँ, क्रांतिकारी और आधुनिक विचारक द ग्रेट पेरियार रामास्वामी नायकर की मूर्ति तोड़कर उन्हें जिंदा करने के लिए संघियो को बधाई …
इस देश के इतिहास के आधुनिक युग में विज्ञान बोध और तार्किकता के ए…
Caste in the Bhagavad Gita – Satanic Verses of Bhagavad Gita
Read it in Hindi from भगवद गीता में जाति – भगवद गीता के शैतानी छंद।
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on Bhagavad Gita
…The Bhagvat Gita is not a gospel and it can therefore have no message and it is futi…
Models of Minds – Buddhism and Modern Science
The Buddha in his quest to understand the nature of reality understood that whatever human beings experience is always mediated by their consciousness. However mysterious the human consciousness ma…
Mantras Encoding Caste
India’s junior education minister, Satyapal, leaves no opportunities to expose ignorance and ‘merit’ of India’s upper castes. Recently, this cop turned politician claimed that the mantras in the Ve…
Reconciling Two Visions of Self Transformation and Social Engagement – 30 Verses of Vasubandhu
Buddhism is widely categorized and further sub-categorized into many schools and often it leads to confusions among the minds of the people as to what constitutes Buddhism. To look at the divisions…
Can there be a set of public policies to annihilate the caste system?
The caste system in India is the longest surviving system of slavery which Babasaheb Ambedkar defined as the system of graded inequality. This human inhuman institution is many centuries old. It is…
No Value of Human Life – Why Lynching is Normal in India?
In Kerala, a tribal man of 27 named Madhu was lynched publicly because he stole rice. The man was beaten up by people and he succumbed to death very soon. The ordeal that this tribal man had gone t…
RSS Controlling NDA Government is a Murder of Indian Democracy
In the democracy, the party that wins the majority of seats form the governments. In the parliamentary democracy, the elected members exercise power. The members are elected through electoral proce…
From the Hell of Caste to Sukhavati
The practice of untouchability is outlawed by the constitution of India. It is still practised all over India in different forms and sites. The practice of untouchability is the oldest system of de…
RSS in JNU – Flying Vedic Planes in 21st Century Anarchist Milieu
The RSS is arranging a science conference in JNU and the topic is how all the modern discoveries and inventions were already present in the Vedas, Vedangas, and Puranas before the West discovered t…
Radha Soami Satsang Beas, Dalits and Question of Caste Discrimination
There are around 12,000 villages in Punjab and according to one report, there are around 8,000 small-big deras in Punjab. Caste divides and discrimination has led Dalits as well as others to form d…
Psycho-analysis of Caste
It is not reasonable to think of caste system in the metaphor of a ladder with up and down ends. High and low are metaphors and embodied metaphors. They are linguistic traps which also conditions t…
Dalit Women – At the Centre of Inhuman Discrimination
Many empirical studies have been produced by the renowned institutions to prove how the caste system creates a vicious cycle of poverty and discrimination that affects the people at the lower rungs…