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CategoryAway from Brahminical Hinduism: Ayya Sect of Tamil Nadu Demands Separate Status
In India, there are many panths and sampradaya. Most of them are very different from each other and they at many times do not hold anything in common. For example, there are so many saints in India…
Religion and Priest Be Brought Under Proper Control – Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
While at Belgaum I heard of the movement started by some of the Parsis in Bombay to found an association, the prime object of which shall be the abolition of priesthood as a caste. The object of su…
Buddha was the Greatest Opponent of Chaturvarna – Dr. Ambedkar
The point of contrast (between Hinduism and Buddhism) lies in the fact that the official gospel of Hinduism is inequality. The doctrine of Chaturvarna is the concrete embodiment of this gospel of i…
प्रतिक्रांति की दार्शनिक पुष्टि : कृष्ण और उनकी गीता – बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर की कलम से
प्राचीन भारत के साहित्य में भगवद्गीता का क्या स्थान है? क्या यह हिंदू धर्म का उसी प्रकार का एक धर्मग्रंथ हैं, जिस प्रकार ईसाई धर्म की बाइबिल है। हिंदू इसे अपना धर्मग्रंथ मानते हैं। अगर यह धर्मग्रंथ…
Jesus’s Challenge to Brahminism
To me first encounter with Jesus was when I was maybe 7-8 years old. I remember receiving booklets on Jesus, in the early 1990s, from Christian missionaries in my village. I also remember, as a chi…
Why “Sakya” Nomenclature? The Power of Sakyan Identity
The British used “Depressed classes” as nomenclature for all Sakyans, the so-called untouchables in the pre-R.T.C. (Round Table Conference) period. But many members of the Sakyan community from al…
Archaeology of Buddhism and Archaeology of Mind
Scores of books are written on the archaeology of mind from many perspectives. But one of the interesting perspectives that take into account the development of the tools by our ancestors and under…
Why Christianity Failed in India
Just a casual look at the history of the Indian church reveals how the missionaries tolerated and accepted caste horrors of the caste system. But there is/was, taking deep roots in the life and pra…
Some Notes on Buddha, Marx, and Babasaheb Ambedkar
Babasaheb Ambedkar read Marx extensively. It is evident from his writings and speeches. He not only read Marx, but also studied it critically as he saw various movements inspired by Marx when he wa…
Is Buddhism Really the New ‘Opium’ of People?
In the Guardian, an article titled “Buddhism is the new opium of people” by Mark Vernon is published a few years ago. It talks about how Buddhism is making people “decouple” from the real issues as…
Buddhism and Democracy – Why Conversion?
In 1941, Babasaheb Ambedkar wrote an important article in Janata (The People) in which he articulated the life and mission of the Buddha on the eve of Buddha Jayanti. In that article in Marathi, he…
Celebrating Dalit History: The Punjabi Dalit Christians of Pakistan
Adapted from the powerful and inspiring research and work of Asif Aqeel: Caste Away: The Ongoing Struggle of Punjabi Christians
Most stories of partition leave out the story of Dalits and Adivas…
What Periyar Said on Dr Ambedkar’s Conversion to Buddhism
The Chairman of the Vellore Municipal Council has praised me in his welcome address read out today (28th October 1956). You have given me this warm reception in connection with my arrival to un…
New research on Aryan Migration: Political Challenge to Hindu Nationalists Led by the Brahmins
In an interesting development in the ,research field, it has been now proved that the “Brahmins”-the priestly classes in India came from “outside” of India. This is strongly established not only by…
Geopolitics of Religions in South Asia and Role of Ambedkarite Social Movement
Geopolitics of religions in South Asia and role of Ambedkarite Social movement: Adding China to the geopolitical equation in South Asia
South Asia has a common political history before it was di…