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CategoryKashmir Problem Has Origin In Fall Of Buddhism
Originally published on April 13, 2000, the following article is written by eminent Ambedkarite writer Dr K. Jamanadas.
The Kashmir Problem
Kashmir problem is one which is consuming a lot of …
Guru Ravidas’s Teachings Are Against The Idea of Hindu-Rashtra. Hence, Demolition of Ravidas Temple in New Delhi
Ravidas a word itself not need any explanation what is it means. He is the next person who took birth same as we all born from our parents in the 15th century at Varanasi in a family whose professi…
Archaeology of Caste: Why It Matters
Archaeology is a fascinating discipline. It is not just a handmaid of history, but a discipline in its own right. It is also emerging as an important discipline to think about the present problems….
Legacy of Narasu and Revival of Buddhism in India
Legacy of Narasu and revival of Buddhism in India: scientific/reflective approach to Buddhism
In the history of Buddhism in contemporary India, many great beings played an outstanding role. One …
31 विशेषाधिकार, जो सिर्फ ब्राह्मणों को हासिल हैं
1) अगर मैं ब्राह्मण हूं तो समाज में मुझे आदर मिलेगा और मेरे नाम के साथ जी या पंडित जोड़ा जाएगा
2) अगर मैं ब्राह्मण हूं तो मुझे देश की किसी भी हाउसिंग सोसायटी में घर मिलने में दिक्कत नहीं होगी.
Padmapani: Art as an enlightened experience
Art is as much an emotional activity as it is an intellectual activity. It also reflects the intention of the artists, thus the art has a potential to invoke deeper emotions, sharp intelligence, an…
The Questions of King Milind: Manual for Discussion and Communication on Buddhism
The Questions of Milind (henceforth, QoM) is a record of the dialogue between Milind, the great learned Greek king, and Nagasena, the great learned Buddhist monk. Their philosophical, geographical,…
The Riddle of Rama and Krishna – By Babasaheb Ambedkar
Quoted from: Appendix No.1 of Part 3 of the book
Riddles of Hinduism 1995
By Dr. Babasaheb B.R. Ambedkar
Ravana was a Buddhist and considered by Dalits as a great hero. He did so much for Sita…
Celebrating Ram Navami? Time to know truth about King Rama
That, without penal sanction the ideal of Chaturvarnya cannot be realized, is proved by the story in the Ramayana of Rama killing Shambuka. Some people seem to blame Rama because he wantonly an…
Relief Discrimination – Even Natural Disasters Cannot Wipe Out Caste Lines
In Kerala, the Dalits are discriminated against during the relief work. During the natural disasters, humanity becomes helpless and many hands come to rescue the affected people. It is heartening t…
Poems of Buddhist Monk, Manhae – Liberation Through Love
Manhae was a Buddhist monk born in South Korea. Besides devoting his life to serve the Buddha Dhamma, he was in the forefront in the politics and he practiced what is today known as “socially engag…
मुर्दाबाद के नारो के बीच संविधान और आंबेडकर
समकालीन परिपेक्ष मे घटित होने वाली निराशाजनक घटनाये निश्चित ही चिंता का विषय है. भारतीय लोकतंत्र जहा हम सभी को अभिव्यक्ती की स्वतंत्रता प्रदान करता है वही बुनियादी अधिकरो के साथ कुछ कर्तव्य भी निर्…
Footprints of Burden – Casteist Gaze of Indian Society
It’s a typically sunny morning in Chennai as I make my way to the gate, wishfully thinking of lesser traffic during my journey to the coast at Besant Nagar although it’s the peak hour. The smell of…
What a ‘Hindu’ Is and What ‘Hinduism’ Isn’t
Question: How do you explain someone that a pig is unlike any other bird?
Correct Response: The answer doesn’t lie in how a pig is different from other birds but it requires the understanding th…
How Culture Creates the Caste
The great semiotics of our times, Umberto Eco, wrote an important paper in Italian in 1996 titled ‘How Culture Colors the Way We See’. This paper examines how the culture creates the colors we see….