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- 06 Dec 1956: Mahaparinirvan Din
Category06 Dec 1956: Mahaparinirvan Din
On the morning at around 6.30 a.m, Dr. Ambedkar’s wife Savita Ambedkar got up as usual, when she had a look at the bed she saw Dr. Ambedkar’s leg resting on the cushion as usual. She soon realized …
Last Day in the Life of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar – What Dr Ambedkar Did
5 Dec 1956: On the morning of 5 December, Dr. Ambedkar woke up a little late. Nanak Chad Rattu, his assistant was there till then, and after Dr. Ambedkar’s waking up, he took permission from him an…
LL.D. Degree Certificate of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar from Columbia University
Have a look at LL.D. Degree Certificate of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar from Columbia University
Also check – D. Litt. Degree Certificate of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar from Osmania University.
A Humble Reque…
Raksha Bandhan: Another Form Of Slavery
I just came back from the market after having a cup of coffee and while coming back couldn’…
Know The History Of Slogan “Jai Bhim”
Dear friends,
As I was cursorily browsing through Eleanor Zelliot’s “From Untouchable to Dalit” (1992, Manohar), my attention was attracted to the passage:
“… his (Ambedkar’s) very name has bec…