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- Why Go For Conversion? – Speech by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
CategoryWhy Go For Conversion? – Speech by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
In 1935 at Nasik district, Maharashtra, Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar had declared his firm resolve to change his religion. He had declared that he was born as a Hindu but will not die as Hindu. About a ye…
Battle on Cow in the High Courts
In the perhaps pathetic show of delink between science and law, the Rajasthan High Court judge had banned the cow slaughter. The contrary judgment is given by the Kerala High court. In India, the c…
Ravidas, Thakurs’ Arrogance, and Double Game
Judging by the influence and popularity of Ravidas, he was perhaps India’s most influential saint-revolutionary. He stood for the annihilation of caste and his impact reached all over in the Hindi …
Casteist Verses from Manusmriti – Law Book of Hindus
Manu divides Hindus into four varnas i.e. casteism. He not only divide Hindus into four varnas, he also grades them. Besides prescribing rank and occupation Manu grants privilege to swarnas and imp…
Some Excerpts from Manusmriti – Law Book of Hindus
What Manusmriti says? Read the casteist and discriminating quotes and verses from the Manusmriti, law book of Hindus that they follow religiously.
I – 91. One occupation only the lord prescribed…
सहारनपुर और कुन्ठा की गठरी – राजपूत
महिलाओं पर हथियार उठाने को शान समझते हो? वो महिलाएं निहत्थी थी वरना खाल उधेडना और उसके जूते बनाना भी दलित खूब जानते हैं. देश को गुलाम बना देने वाले ये राजपूत दरअसल आज कुछ भी नहीं हैं सिवाए कुन्ठा क…
In Fascist Style, Befool the Dalits and the Deprived – No Question Asked
Adolf Hitler, one of the most hated men in human history, uttered an eternal truth: “The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. Especially if it is r…
Music and Humor in Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Life
Babasaheb Ambedkar appreciated music and humor and he encouraged others to appreciate music and humor. We know Babasaheb Ambedkar through his intellectual abilities to mobilise and marshal thoughts…
Nehru Insulted Dr. Ambedkar for Asking Help to Publish The Buddha and His Dhamma
Read it in Hindi from नेहरू ने डॉ अम्बेडकर का किया अपमान जब उन्होंने ‘बुद्ध और उनके धम्म’ को प्रकाशित करने के लिए मदद मांगी
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar struggled his whole life to publish his writings…
For Dalits – What Jawaharlal Nehru, What Gandhi, What Modi; All Stink Equally
Let’s look at the statements from Jawaharlal Nehru, M K Gandhi and Narendra Modi. For judging them, notice the similarity in the below statements. What all these leaders spoke is basically RSS’s sa…
How Nehru was Casteist and What He Did with Dr. Ambedkar?
Today (27th May) on the death anniversary of Mr. Nehru, it is a good time to remember how casteist he was and how unfairly and discriminately he treated Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Nehru’s defence mini…
BAPSA Activists Detained by Delhi Police for Protesting Against Saharanpur Thakurs’ Violence
On 24th May, Birsa Ambedkar Phule Students Association (BAPSA) also had burned the effigy of CM of UP, Adityanath Yogi and Modi, PM of India in JNU campus and protested against the Thakur terrorism…
Representation (aka Reservation) is a Must in Judiciary – Saharanpur Case
We can use many aphorisms to describe India’s judicial system. In India, Justice is figuratively blind and justice is delayed hence denied. Judiciary is the highest guardian of the constitution and…
Is Love the Only Remedy on Caste?
The caste is inhuman and anti-human as it teaches one human to loath another human. It is founded on hatred. Babasaheb Ambedkar summarised the caste system: ascending the scale of reverence and a d…
No Scholarships for SC/ST/OBC Students at TISS
Tata Institute of Social Sciences will not provide financial aid to SC, ST and OBC students starting next semester, according to a circular issued by the Institute accessed by The Quint.
The ins…