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Categoryक्या सिख लीडर सिख धर्म को बचा पाएंगे ब्रह्मिनिस्म के हमलो से?
जो सिख ‘दसम ग्रन्थ’ को मानते हैं कि गुरु गोबिंद सिंह ने लिखा है वह प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से ब्राह्मण के प्रभाव में आये सिख हैं। दसम ग्रन्थ को जब मैंने पढ़ा तो लगा किसी पण्डे का लिखा काम-शास्त्…
For Centuries Brahmins Have Denied the Servile Classes the Right to Education – Dr. Ambedkar
Starting with the Brahmins who form a strong and powerful element in the governing class in India it is no exaggeration to say that they have been the most inveterate enemies of the servile classes…
Understanding the Gujarat Rajya Sabha Elections – Microscopic Insights can Lead to Telescopic Strategies
The Gujarat Rajya Sabha elections had more glamour than the elections of the President and Vice-President of India. In the assembly dominated by the BJP, it was easy for Smriti Irani and Amit Shah …
दलित, आदिवासी, अल्पसंख्यक नहीं बन सकते दलित राष्ट्रपति के अंगरक्षक
अमर उजाला के मुताबिक, राष्ट्रपति अंगरक्षक की सितंबर माह में भर्ती रैली होगी। निदेशक एवं सेना भर्ती निदेशक, भर्ती कार्यालय हमीरपुर ने बताया कि इस भर्ती रैली में सिख (मजहबी, रामदासिया, एससी और एसटी क…
Quit India Movement – Revisiting and Correcting the History
In 1942, the Indian National Congress (INC), which was one among the many political parties in India, gave a call to the British Government to quit India. The Quit India Movement failed but consoli…
When Will Shudras Understand Their Real Enemies?
When will the Shudras understand that their real enemies are the Brahmins and Banias?
The Times of India reported that over 900000 Marathas participated in the march in Mumbai yesterday. It is i…
Wringing Chicken’s Neck – Standoff Between India, China, and Bhutan
Doklam has become an important word that defines the military standoff between India and China. Let us, first of all, try to find the place called Doklam on the map of the world.
There is a shor…
The Annihilation of Manual Scavenging – Make It Top Most Priority
Why should the Dalit movement take up the annihilation of manual scavenging as the most priority issue?
Two days ago, four manual scavengers died in Madhya Pradesh. Before the actual physical de…
No One Killed Akhlaq – A Case of Communal Murder to Achieve Political Gains
The mob lynched Akhlaq in Dadri before two years and 14 out of 17 accused are released on the bail. Akhlaq was allegedly lynched on the pretext that he was holding the beef, but his brother claims …
Mindful Politics – Buddhism and Politics
Buddhism is not a religion and in the Buddhist countries the Buddhism is sometimes called “Buddha Sasana”, or simply “dhamma”. The word “Dhamma” is one of the most important terms in the Buddhist c…
धर्म-संगत – एक कहानी
छोटा सा गांव था, पच्चीस-तीस घर ब्राह्मणों के और आठ-दस झोपड़ियाँ कुम्हारों की थी। घड़े बनाते और गधों पर लादकर गांव-गांव बेंचकर अपनी गुजर-बसर करते।
वैद्यनाथ और दीनानाथ दो ब्राह्मण थे दोनों ही एक न…
तथाकथित सवर्ण बुद्धिजीवियों खासकर वामपंथियों के द्वारा “बुद्ध” पर आक्षेप लगाऐ जाते हैं
तथाकथित सवर्ण बुद्धिजीवियों खासकर वामपंथियों के द्वारा “बुद्ध” पर आक्षेप लगाऐ जाते हैं कि –
1- बुद्ध अपनी बीबी को बिना बताऐ चुपचाप राजमहल से निकल जाते हैं
2- बुद्ध हिन्दुओं की भांति पुनर्जन्म प…
The Swachh Bharat Hoarding at New Delhi Station, A Case of Utter Stupidity
Last week, we came across an instance where people registered outrage over a Swachh Bharat hoarding at New Delhi railway station that portrayed Baba Saheb Ambedkar picking up something from the gro…
Why Have the Brahmins Not Produced a Voltaire? – Answered by Babasaheb Ambedkar
Today all scholarship is confined to the Brahmins. But unfortunately no Brahmin scholar has so far come forward to play the part of a Voltaire who had the intellectual honesty to rise against the d…
Bahujan Politics from Now Onwards
People are suggesting that regional parties align with Congress and Communist party to create a united front. This alliance will again legitimise both Congress and Communists which are taking their…