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Categoryबौद्ध, अंबेडकर, गौतम, भीमपुत्र/भीमपुत्री जैसे सरनेम साहस की बात है – सूरज कुमार बौद्ध
सुबह सुबह उठकर जैसे ही WhatsApp खोला तो देखा कि तभी एक साथी ने मैसेज किया हुआ था कि वह लोग जो अपने नाम के साथ बौद्ध, गौतम, अंबेडकर, भीम पुत्र एवं भीमपुत्री जैसे सरनेम लगाते हैं वह ब्राह्मणवादी व्यव…
Is the BSP Back in the Fray?
Recently, the call for the unity of the opposition parties in India has become louder. The media is not giving the complete picture, but many things are happening in India which appears to be harbi…
आजादी के 70 साल बाद भी बहुजनों के जीवन में कोई खास सुधार नहीं
आजादी के सत्तर साल बाद भी बहुजनों के जीवन में आज भी कोई खास सामाजिक, राजनीतिक, शैक्षणिक और आर्थिक रूप से सुधार नहीं आया है जबकि संविधान में उन्हें मुख्यधारा में लाने के लिए कई प्रकार के प्रावधान है…
Watch – The Battle of Bhima Koregaon Documentary Film
This battle took place on January 1st, 1818, near the banks of Bhima River in Koregaon (north-west of Pune) between few hundred Mahar soldiers from the British …
In Search of Truth – Today to Ask About Other Person’s Caste is Like Asking “How are You?”
I would like to dedicate this essay to the memory of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (14th April 1891 – 6th December 1956) the chief architect of Indian Constitution which was adopted after India became independ…
How India’s Past Becomes Enemy of the Present – Evidences from the Businesses
The era of capitalism began when the abstract things like land and labour became commodified. The principle is largely known as the “commercialization principle”.
The lands were converted into t…
Fighting “Hate” US Corporate Way and Dispatches from “Corporate Caste Wars” in Infosys in India
The Apple CEO, Tim Cook, pledged 2 million dollars to fight “hate” in the USA. This is the gesture that one can expect from the Apple, the company that Buddhist-minded Steve Jobs built so meticulou…
Upper Caste Supremacists and White Supremacists – India and USA
The US is seeing a wave of rise of White Supremacists who are coming on the streets. This time the occasion was the demolition of the statue of Robert Lee, who was the Commander in Chief of the con…
Rahul Gandhi – A Fake Progeny of Fake Heroes
The following article was written by Jayant in 2009 but is still relevant, so posting it.
All those people who have forgotten the fight of our forefathers against Congress and those who are gett…
Unholy Nexus between the Brahmin-Bania Corporate and RSS/BJP
The Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR) published a list of corporates funding the political parties. The statistics is interesting as it spans the period between 2012-2013 and 2015-2016. The c…
Disappearance of Buddhism from India – An Untold Story
The complete disappearance of the religion of the Buddha from the land of its birth is one of the greatest puzzles of history. Once holding sway throughout the length and breadth of the subcontinen…
Safronization, Hinduization or Brahminization? – By Dr. K. Jamanadas
These days everybody talks of “Hindutva”, they say Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life. What are these concepts? What is the difference? Why this difference? These are questions the Bahuja…
Remembering Karamchedu Dalits’ Massacre – Many Lessons
One way of remembering history is by the anniversaries of events of injustice, of suppression, of pillage, etc. Such remembrance is certainly more moral than marking history by the anniversaries of…
Puzzle of the Brahminical Vedas
Contrary to the commonly accepted belief by the majority of the European and foreign scholars, the theory of Aryan invasion of India is point by point challenged and proven wrong. It is understood …
The Symptom of the Hindu Mind and the Malady of Indian Society
Caste system instead of democratic principles is the foundation of Hinduism and hence, we believe that such religion can never uphold the principles of equality.
The caste system – with its asce…