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Categoryदलित महिला कारवां और डॉ. अम्बेडकर
‘दलित समाज ने कितनी प्रगति की है इसे मैं दलित स्त्री की प्रगति से तौलता हूं,’ जैसी गंभीर और विचारोत्तेजक व स्त्रियों के घोर पक्ष में की गई टिप्पणी के टिप्पणीकार डा. अम्बेडकर द्वारा स्त्रियों के पक्…
RSS/BJP to Review Welfare Policies for SCs, STs, and OBCs and Deny Radical Policies of Reservation
It is not difficult to know the intentions of the RSS/BJP as it is historically true that the RSS was set up to counter the rising movement of the non-Brahmins. The Brahmins ideologues like Tilak w…
डॉ. अंबेडकर और गांधी की पहली मुलाकात
डॉ. बाबासाहेब अंबेडकर और गांधी की पहली मुलाकात 14 अगस्त 1931 को बंबई में मणि भवन में हुई थी। इसके अलावा सबसे ज्यादा अचरज कर देने वाली बात यह है कि गांधी को इससे पहले यह भी नहीं पता था कि बाबासाहेब …
Demonetisation – India’s Greatest Scam
The RBI report made it clear that the demonetization failed to achieve any of the targets. The ex-Finance secretary, Mr. Mayram, who called demonetization a “series of blunders” is now being haunte…
Two Biggest Challenges before the OBC Movement
Cultural movements away from Brahminism and uniting the lower OBCs through it are two biggest challenges before the OBC movement at present.
According to so called Hindu Shastras, the people oth…
Strange Case of RSS/BJP Government – Preferring Defense over Education
In the PM’s recent visit to Switzerland along with his crony, Adani, the Swiss defense manufacturer SaaB and Dani group agreed to build the helicopters for the Indian Air Force. Adani claimed that …
Rise and Fall of Bahujan Movement in Goa – Lessons for the Present Movement
The title “Bahujan movement in Goa” is sure to raise eyebrows when we first hear about it. But Parag D. Parobo’s book “India’s First Democratic Revolution: Dayanand Bandodkar and the Rise of Bahuja…
Some Reflections on Rohingya Muslims Crisis
The Muslims in Myanmar living in Rakhine state and the Myanmar Government is clashing. This violent clash has led to the humanitarian crisis, refugee crisis, and the entanglement of the at least fo…
Interesting Battle of Perspectives on the Failures of Demonetization
After the failed demonetization, economists and political analysts from all hues are bringing their perspectives. It is now objectively clear that the mindless policy has affected the Indian econom…
Brahmanism/Hinduism and Neo-Liberalism – A Perfect Deadly Cocktail
Neo-liberalism is a policy model of social studies and economics that transfers control of economic factors to the private sector from the public sector. It takes from the basic principles of neocl…
पेरियार ललई सिंह यादव को याद करते हुए
पेरियार ललई सिंह यादव का जन्म 1 सितम्बर 1911 को गाँव कठारा, जिला कानपुर देहात के एक समाज सुधारक सामान्य कृषक परिवार में हुआ था। उनके बचपन का नाम ‘लल्ला’ था, लल्ला से ‘ललई’ हुए।
पिता गुज्जू सिंह …
Understanding the Mind of RSS/BJP Through its Economic Policies
The newspapers headlines though at times doctored can become a window to understand the minds of the political parties.
The RBI reported in its annual report released yesterday that 99 percent o…
Understanding the Mind of RSS/BJP Through Education Policy
The RSS/BJP Government is bent on amending the NCERT books and they have spotted over 1000 amendments in many books including books on mathematics and sciences. These amendments have many saffron t…
Understanding the Mind of RSS/BJP – Legitimizing the Hindutva Terror
It is not a coincidence that the terrorists from the Brahiminised Hindu terror organizations like Abhinav Bharat and Sanatan Sanstha are released after the RSS/BJP came into power. The terrorists l…
Understanding the Mind of RSS/BJP Through News Analysis (The Backward Classes)
The slips are not innocents and when India’s Finance/Defense Minister talks about “carrot and stick” policy, we can surmise that it is the general policy of the RSS/BJP ideologues which they apply …