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CategoryBJP Led Maharashtra Government Loots SC/ST Sub-Plan Funds
Diwali is celebrated by giving gifts to others, but Devendra Fadnavis, Chief Minister, Maharashtra is setting a new trend of diverting amount of Rs. 1000 Crore from Scheduled Caste Component and Sc…
Kejriwal Govt. Goes Against its Own Notification to Remove Reservation
Delhi Govt had published a recruitment notice last year for engagement of Guest Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) Urdu / and TGT Punjabi in Delhi Govt Schools for 2016-17. As the notice dated 28/10/2…
अमित शाह……ब जी, अब सोशल मीडिया से इतनी बौखलाहट क्यों
नेताओं की सियासत -बोलो मत, सिर्फ झेलो।
राजनीति भी अजीब होती है। राजनेता तो उससे भी अजीब होते हैं। दरअसल राजनीति एक बिजनेस की तरह है। जैसे बिजनेसमैन कोई भी बात अपने नफे-नुकसान के आधार पर करता है …
Understanding Indian Communist Leadership – From ‘Why I am not a Hindu’ by Prof Kancha Ilaiah
Notionally the Communist leadership was trying to portray itself as an integral part of the masses and to stress that it was no different from the people. But in reality the Dalitbahujan masses and…
How do Hindu Gods & Goddesses Compare with Dalit-Bahujan’s Gods & Goddesses
How do Hindu Goddesses like Lakshmi, Saraswati, Parvati, Durga compare with Dalitbahujan’s Goddesses like Pochamma, Kattamaisamma, Polimeramma, Yellamma, Mankalamma, Mareamma ?
The cultural, eco…
Hinduism was Born out of the Philosophy of Inequality
Hinduism was born out of a philosophy that stated that God created human beings unequal. This thesis was propounded in the Rig Veda itself. In this process the country and the people who suffered m…
In U.S. Congress – Threats to Kancha Ilaiah Raised [Transcript of Speech by Mr. Franks]
Mr. Trent Franks, is the U.S. Representative for Arizona’s 8th Congressional District, serving in Congress since 2003. He is a member of the Republican Party and brought issue of Freedom of Express…
डाॅ. बाबासाहब अंबेडकर और धर्मांतरण
13 अक्तूबर 1935 को बाबासाहब अंबेडकर जी ने नाशिक जिला के येवला शहर में धर्मांतरण की घोषणा की।
बाबासाहब अंबेडकर यह धर्मांतरण न करे या अपने धर्म में आ जाए इसलिए कुछ व्यक्ति एवं कुछ धर्मों के लोग उन…
डाॅ. बाबासाहब अंबेडकर और धर्म-परिवर्तन की घोषणा
बाबासाहेब डॉ. अंबेडकर ने 13 अक्टूबर, 1935 में धर्म-परिवर्तन की सार्वजनिक घोषणा करते हुए कहा था – “दुर्भाग्य से मैं हिन्दू समाज के एक अछूत के रूप में पैदा हुआ हूँ। यह मेरे वश की बात नहीं थी; लेकिन ह…
Chalo Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar! Protest Organised by Ambedkarite Students of Mumbai
We, Ambedkarite students from Mumbai, strongly condemn the attacks and threat on the life of Prof. Kancha Ilaiah, a highly respected intellectual and scholar of non-Aryan, pre-Vedic knowledge. It i…
Kejriwal Govt Has Performed Badly in Class 10 Results
Kejriwal took oath as CM in Dec 2013 and then resigned within 2 months. He never cared during his first tenor as CM that his Govt is also responsible for Healthcare and Education, which he is publi…
The Caravan of the Bahujan Movement – Why it Lost its Momentum and Direction?
On the death anniversary of Bahujan Nayak Sahab Kanshiram, the Bahujans across country who understand the importance of the work and contributions of Sahab Kanshiram for building the Bahujan moveme…
On Mustache and Body Hair – Sick Mentality
The caste system covers entire body as it is the body of Bramha that is the source of caste system. The lower part of the body has to be then inferior and must be equated with the Shudras. Thanks g…
Exclusion in Schools – A Study on Practice of Discrimination and Violence
Dalit children being made to sit and eat separately from other children, being beaten, abused and forced to do humiliating tasks, form part of the cases uncovered during the ‘Zero Discrimination in…
How Kejriwal’s Politics is Destroying Delhi Schools’ Performance
First Kejriwal government in Delhi was formed in December 2013 as a minority government with outside support from Congress. The Government lasted only for few months before resigning in Feb 2014. T…