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Dr B R Ambedkar
CategoryDalit History Month – Happy Dr Ambedkar Jayanti To All
Dalit History today is honoured to write a post on our dear Babasaheb on this special day and wishes everyone happy Dr Ambedkar Jayanti to everyone. While to the most of the world, Dr B. R Ambedkar…
Dravidians and Nagas Are One And The Same People – Dr Ambedkar
Who are the Dravidians? Are they different from the Nagas? Or are they two different names for a people of the same race? It is a fact that the term Dravidians and Nagas are merely two different na…
Facts About Babasaheb Ambedkar You Didn’t Know
The following article was written on the occasion of Labour Day but is valid on Dr Ambedkar Jayanti also. There are many facts about Babasaheb Ambedkar which are kept hidden from common masses in I…
What Does Babasaheb Ambedkar Mean To You?
We asked on the social media what does Babasaheb Ambedkar mean to different people. Here are a few of the replies from the various people on what does Babasaheb Ambedkar mean to them. This post is …
How First Time I Learnt About Babasaheb Ambedkar
We recently asked people on the social media that how did they first time learn about Babasaheb Ambedkar. This is the part-II on the series. You can read the first part from here – When and How Did…
When and How Did You First Time Learn About Babasaheb Ambedkar?
We asked our followers on social media that when and how did they first time learn about Babasaheb Ambedkar. Here are a few of the replies. We will write another post soon if we will get more repli…
Twitter Launched Dr Ambedkar Emoji on Dr Ambedkar Jayanti
The following article was written in 2017, this year (2020) apart from hashtag #DalitLivesMatter, rest of the hashtags will activate Babasaheb Ambedkar emoji on Twitter. – editor
We can notice o…
[PDF] Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Books in Gujarati
Here are a few of the Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Books in Gujarati. These are just a few of the writings and speeches of Dr Ambedkar. In case you have any other volume, please send us and we will update…
Challenges before the Parliamentary Democracy – From the Pen of Dr Ambedkar
With the capture of political power all over the country by the forces who do not believe in the democratic form of government, who do not believe in government by discussions, it is time to revisi…
Admission Notification – Apply For Training School for Entrance to Politics
One Year Residential Training for the Youths Interested in Politics. Admission notification – apply for Training School for Entrance to Politics.
60 years ago, the champion of social justice Dr …
Dr Ambedkar’s Attack On The Arya Samajists
Dr. Ambedkar wrote extensively and in his writings, one can find solutions to the problems India is facing at the moment. Dr. Ambedkar attacked the Brahminism at the core and single-handedly shake …
Why Brahmins Started Worshipping the Cow and Stop Eating Beef? – What Dr Ambedkar Said
Dalit-Muslims and minority communities are being attacked by Gau Rakshak Terrorists in India on the daily basis since Modi and co. led BJP came into power in 2014. Now, after winning the election i…
Dalit-Bahujans Guide to Understand Caste in Hindu Vedas and Scriptures
Brahmins and so-called upper castes in India have used religion as a tool to suppress so-called lower castes. They have used religious scriptures and Vedas to justify their actions and promote hatr…
Which Is Worse – Slavery Or Untouchability? – Dr. Ambedkar’s Own Words
Dr. Ambedkar has dealt with the subject of Slavery and Untouchability in chapter 3 & 8 of Vol. 5 of this series, under the caption-‘ Roots of the Problem ‘ ‘ Parallel cases ‘.
We have however no…
When Dr Ambedkar Becomes Muhammad
It is ironic that a man who was defiantly against hero worship today is worshiped more than any other individual from the last 100 years in India. It is understandable that idolisation of Ambedkar …