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CategoryPandemic Unfolds Human Tragedy In India
Author – Kapilendra Das
India got freedom and emerged as a republic with its own constitution. A billion people of the nation have completed their journey of 72 years and are entering their 73 y…
“जाती” और “नस्ल” – दो अलग तरह के भेदभाव लेकिन अनगिनत समानताएं
यूरोपीय मूल के लोगों द्वारा अफ्रीकी मूल के अश्वेत लोगों के साथ किया जाने वाला नस्लीय भेदभाव हो या भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप की पिछड़ी और अनुसूचित जातियों का ब्राह्मणों द्वारा किया जाने वाला जातीय भेदभाव। ऊप…
बहुजन समाज और “मीडिया”
२१वीं सदी में अगर बहुजन समाज(ST, SC, OBC, Minorities) 85% आबादी होने के बाद भी भारत का हुक्मरान नहीं बन सका और दूसरी तरफ अल्पसंख्यक ब्राह्मण, बनिया, ठाकुर(क्षत्रिय) सिर्फ 15% आबादी के बल पर ही सत्त…
#DalitLivesMatter – What Can We Learn From #BlackLivesMatter
Dalit movement is a vibrant movement. The growing arguments and counterarguments in the Dalit movement on the issues of religion, strategies for emancipation, feminism, democracy, policies, and cul…
Caste, Class and Discrimination in ‘Paatal Lok’
‘Paatal Lok’ web series begins with the arrest of four persons on the suspicion of conspiracy of murder of renowned news anchor from Delhi. The beauty of series reflected in the arrest of four pers…
The Nalanda Story: In Conversation with Anoop Kumar
As part of the ongoing interview series at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Caravan, we interacted with an Ambedkarite educator Anoop Kumar, founder of Nalanda Academy, Wardha. The interview was conducted by Mang…
Shanti Swaroop Bauddh – The Pioneer of Ambedkarite Buddhist and Literary Movement
Shanti Swaroop Bauddh breathed his last today and many messages of condolences started flowing in. Just a few days back, Sahab was speaking on Ayodhya as a Buddhist place on the Facebook live and h…
Dr. Raj Kumar on Organising Bahujan Intellectuals
Summarized by Ravikant
Education is not just for a career, it deals with people as social products. Whatever we have learnt, we have taught, whatever we gained has been as a material consequence…
Solidarity With Minneapolis Protesters and Black Lives Matter Campaign – Statement From Pan India Ambedkarite Law Students’ Forum (India)
We, the students and academicians of Pan India Ambedkarite Law Students’ Forum (India) stand in unconditional solidarity with the protesters in Minneapolis raising their voice against the instituti…
Welcome to Pariah Street, Hindi website from Velivada!
Jai Bhim!
Dear readers of Velivada, we are pleased to announce that we have launched our Hindi website – Pariah Street. It has been demanded by readers for a long time and we launched it on the …
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and his Newspaper – A Historical Perspective by Dr. Prabodhan Pol
Talk summarized by Nioshi
In this talk, Dr. Prabodhan Pol speaks about the significance of newspapers to the Ambedkarite Movement, and how Ambedkar’s newspapers have played an important role in …
साहब कांशी राम और भारतीय राजनीति
साहब कांशी राम का जन्म 15 मार्च 1934 को अपने नैनिहाल पिरथी पुर बुंगा साहिब, जिला रोपड़, पंजाब में हुआ था। उनकी माता का नाम बिशन कौर और पिता का नाम सरदार हरी सिंह था। उनका पैतृक गाँव खुआसपुर, जिला रो…
Lockdown’s Impact – No End To Suffering Of Dalits
A deadly CORONAVIRUS was born and named as COVID-19, a pandemic disease (CORONAVIRUS DISEASE OF – 2019). COVID-19 turned into a calamity, and the entire world is facing serious and several crises. …
Savitribai Phule, Symbol of Resistance, Does Not Belong to Brahmins
I live in a different time zone, so things take a little while before they reach me.
As an aspiring sociologist, I have been taught that making one’s positionality explicit is important when con…
Main ideas from Prof Dag Eric Berg’s talk on ‘Dynamics of Caste and Law in India’
Summarized by – Nioshi
In this talk, Prof Dag Eric Berg discusses concepts introduced in his upcoming book ‘Dynamics of Caste and Law in India’. His book aims to answer one major question: ‘How …