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Category“Only whores choose their own partners”
Honouring Dalits with Blood
Once, I asked writers who had already written on the issue of a Khap Panchayats that what’s the role played by caste in the brutalities of Khap Panchayats i.e. how Dalit…
Documentary: Segregation & Survival by Saira McCleod and CasteWatchUK Conference detail
On 2nd July, 2011 at CasteWatchUK conference documentary named Segregation and Survival was released.
Segregation and Survival is an short eight minute documentary on the caste system in my home …
CasteWatchUK Conference – “Caste & Equality Act – Next Steps”
Untouchables (Dalits) are made “Religious, Economic and Political Slaves” by “Hindu Caste System”.
A bit of background:
Reports (July, 2006) of “Dalit Solidarity Network UK (DSN)” clearly show…
Caste Discrimination at AIIMS
Check out the CNN-IBN video showing caste discrimination at one of the best college of India!
A survey conducted by …