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CategoryNow 50.5% Reservation for 15% Upper Castes Population – Sarkari Damad
Shall we say another masterstroke from Modi government? Till today, Brahminical institutions were depriving Dalit-Bahujans of their rights with their mischievous methods.But now Modi-led BJP/RSS go…
“Keep Your Cows, Give Us Jobs” – Dalits from Gujarat to Lead “Freedom March”
Attacks on Dalits and Muslims all over India have increased many times and no government is ready to address those issues. Lynchings of Dalits and Muslims have become a common spot but Brahminical …
Understanding BJP’s Dalit Politics – Creating Slaves like Ram Nath Kovind
The recent declaration of Ram Nath Kovind as a presidential candidate on behalf of BJP is an erratic torment for Dalit movement in India. The dichotomy between Dalit political leaders of BJP and so…
Dalit Neurologist Nominated as President of Tropical Neurology Group of World Federation of Neurology
A proud moment for everyone that a Dalit Neurologist Dr Chandrashekhar Meshram has been nominated as President of Tropical Neurology group of World Federation of Neurology. It is a tight slap on th…
उना से आई फिर आवाज़,नहीं सहेंगे हिंदु राष्ट्र, भगवा आतंकवाद और पूंजीवाद!
उना कांड की पहली बरसी पर राष्ट्रीय आह्वान, गुजरात में होगा ‘आज़ादी कूच’
दलित, मुस्लिम, मज़दूर और किसान साथ मिलकर मांगेगे तीन साल का हिसाब
बहुजन,मज़दूर और किसान साथ मिल फिर ललकारेंगे ‘गाय की पूंछ…
BJP/RSS, GST and Presidential Election – Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel?
With so many political upheavals going on India, it is very difficult to wade our way through to arrive at the correct perspective. The RSS/BJP Government is set to begin GST regime on June 1, 2017…
President’s Race – Dalit vs Dalit – Meira Kumar or Ramnath Kovind?
Congress-led opposition parties today announced Meira Kumar as their candidate for the upcoming presidential elections in India. It is now to be seen who will get the maximum support while in the r…
BJP’s Presidential Candidate Nominee – Mr. Ramnath Kovind – A Bogus Dalit
BJP’s Presidential candidate Mr. Ramnath Kovind belongs to “Koli/Kori” community which is predominant in Gujarat, apart from other states in our country. They intermixed with Rajputs due to the pra…
What Can We Learn From The Run Up To The “Presidential Elections” In India?
The President of India is a ceremonial post. It is often compared with the “rubber stamp”. But as the head of state, it is also a prestigious post. The orders are issued in his name and proclamatio…
Justice Denied Once Again – Dalit Judge Justice C S Karnan Arrested
While some Dalits were starting to demand that Justice C S Karnan should be next president, BJP played another card and arrested Justice Karnan.
Justice C S Karnan retired on 12th June from his …
Can Undemocratic Methods Preserve Indian republic?
The Indian Republic is the gift of the constitution that came into being in 1950. India became People’s Republic in 1950. The ultimate source of the power is India’s citizens. The idea of Indian Re…
The “Great Game” of Language and the “Caste System”
What makes human beings different from the other animals is language and the ability to use the symbols at the higher level of abstraction. The varying degrees of abstractions create the methods to…
Dalit Women Fight in Support of Bhim Army
One of the major landmarks of Dalit movement led by Dr B.R. Ambedkar had been the huge participation of women and their articulation for political, social and economic rights for women in general a…
Can Dalits Ever Love Gandhi? Not After Reading This
Our feelings of love or dislike must be based upon historical facts. Everyone knows that Gandhi was racist in South Africa before coming to India. Read racist quotes of so-called Mahatma.
How coul…
Political Mobilisation of the Lower Castes in India: The Role of the Scheduled Castes
A word on words to begin with. India’s so called lower castes are not lower and lesser as human beings, but treated lower by India’s Hindu Social Order. We will use the lower caste as a political, …