The Game of Destiny – The Business of Future Telling

You wake up each day, turn on the T.V. and you see many astrologers sitting on almost each and every channel. Every channel claims to be the best at telling your future. Just notice the astrologers; they wear Reebok clothes, Rolex watches, and Ray-Ban spectacles. They have Laptops, Blackberry phones or iPhones with them and they teach you to live the simple life! Early in the morning, each and every astrologer with the diamond necklace and gold earrings is ready with your plans for today, what you should eat, drink, wear, or do etc. Seems to me as these astrologers want to control your lives or do they already do that?

No matter, you turn to English or Hindi channel these astrologers can be found everywhere. One will find the business of astrologers going on all the channels.

Do all of the following sound familiar to you?

Personal consultation – only Rs. 10,000/hour; pooja – only Rs 1 Lakh; solve the problem in marriage or love – only Rs 50,000; pass any examination – only Rs. 75,000; go higher in career – only Rs 2 Lakh; talk over phone – only Rs 3,000/hour; etc. Love, marriage, life, property, business, career predictions just a click or call away! All credit cards accepted! Visit by appointment only!

Apart from all these T.V. channels, there are many such websites those claims to tell your future simply and correctly. Try to check some and you will find what is written for you today at different websites is different and completely opposite to each other! Try to listen to some of the astrologers on T.V. and you will find one saying you’re gonna be a millionaire today and other saying you’ll lose everything today! One astrologer saying, it’s the best day of your life and other astrologer saying its bad day of your life. Bullshit and complete idiotic stuff they publish and propagate! They don’t even know what is gonna happen in they own life in next second and they tell you about your life! Isn’t it crazy?

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One wonders how they get such popularity and how come they come on T.V. each and every day, simple as it is – astrologers pay these T.V. channels for getting a time slot on T.V. In return T.V. shows to display their websites and phone numbers and astrologers earn money this way. Each astrologer claims to be best and his T.V. show has highest TRP, how can it be possible? There is only one place for ‘The Best’! Why there are so many such future telling shows? Simple, as almost everyone has troubles and problems in life so people turn to all these astrologers and half naked Babas. According to the figures of Television Audience Measurement (TAM) all India viewership of these astrology-shows was around 7crore for the first quarter of 2012 and same rose to around 8.2crore in the first quarter of 2013. (Source – Indian Express Eye, May 12-18, 2013). One can see clearly the huge market for the astrologers to earn money and there is definitely billions in this business!

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I believe fortune-telling business is one of the simplest businesses. Peer at grubby palms and deal a few cards. It doesn’t matter what you actually say. Tell people that they will meet handsome devils or inherit money and they’ll pay you handsomely in secrets and pearls. Fortune telling is a lucrative business which if the teller is friendly and occasionally ‘accurate’ can allow the person or people involved to open a business (franchising) which they rarely have to be present at to make a huge profit.

There is opposition against the future-telling in Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism religions. I believe, Hinduism (or Brahmanism) is the only religion that propagates false propaganda and misleads people. When there are many anti-superstitious laws in India, I wonder how can all these Astrologers and many half naked Babas can be on T.V. each and every day. All these future-telling shows or half naked Babas shows must stop and there should be more coverage on the plight of poor people.

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