Where is the our share?




I get this picture in the email today and thought I must share it with everyone.

Isn’t it true? Years after year, Dalits have been denied of their rights, their dignity. They are kept at the lowest rung. Years after year, Governments have betrayed Dalits and Dalits’ trust. Now is the time to wake up and make our community aware of the discrimination Dalits’ facing in all the spheres. Unless we unite and raise voice against injustices, nothing is going to happen, wake up!!


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Read also:  Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and International Women's Day


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  1. 1
    Pramanic Bhartiya

    No.1 rank to Dr.Ambedkar by Columbia University Video PROOF
    Respected elders and brothers/sisters,
    video clip PROOF link:
    copy and paste with quotes in google
    “Dr.B.R. AMBEDKAR (colambia university no.1 talent) )”

    If anyone has any relative/friend/contact in IBN Lokmat TV channel then please get this video in HIGH DEFINITION and upload.

    Thankyou very much

  2. 2
    Patha Subhakar

    My feelings after observing, that all the downtroden people were united together by way of Indian written constitution in the name of SC & ST. Whereas the wise enemy will always tries disintigreation among SC ST for their selfishness. As the SC and ST people are semiliterates are unable to understand the dubious and crooked deeds of the people who are swallowing or gulping the previlages and rights provided in Indian constitution to the downtroden. The people who are loosing shall have to know how the things are going through the pipe line off…

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