Shudra OBCs, Atishudra SCs and Voting Rights

In South Africa, the black people were denied voting rights during apartheid for 300 years. With great struggle led by Mandela and others, in 1994, South African blacks won back their right to vote. As long as the history of this struggle remains in the minds of blacks, they will value their right to vote.

In India, the Shudra OBCs and Atishudra SCs have not fought for this right to vote. A single man, Dr Ambedkar was instrumental in securing the universal adult franchise for Shudra/Atishudras. [Editor – Not only for these communities but for every discriminated and suppressed community in India.]

The leaders of Congress in the constituent assembly wanted to limit the franchise to educated people above a certain level of income and land holdings.

Babasaheb Ambedkar realised the game plan of Congress leadership to disenfranchise the Shudra OBCs and Atishudra SCs. He opposed the Congress vehemently and insisted that without universal adult franchise based on one man, one vote, one value, the democracy is meaningless.

Unlike the South African blacks, current generations of OBCs and SC/STs do not know this historical background behind the voting rights they enjoy, as they have got these rights without the struggle. That is the reason why these people are not in a position to use this right judiciously and in many cases end up selling their votes in return of few hundred bucks or a bottle of liquor.

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Voting matters both to the health of the Indian political system and to the people who participate in it. If SC/STs would not use their vote properly to select their leaders, it is a great loss for these communities. If we select some puppet who will not work for the communities then it’s a further loss for the community.

[bctt tweet=”Here are the 10 reasons why SC/ST/OBCs should use their voting rights wisely – ” username=”velivada”]

  1. To honor those who sacrificed their lives, who courageously fight for us for the upliftment of our community.
  2. To honor those who sacrificed their personal well-being so that we can live in a free India and we can have equal rights and right to vote.
  3. If it were on the rules designed by Manusmriti, we would not have had right to vote so why waste your vote?
  4. To honor those who struggled for rights for Dalit-Bahujans, women rights and to revive faith in the democracy.
  5. To be a great example for the future generations. Otherwise, what you will answer to your future generations when they will ask you – what you were doing when Dalit-Bahujan rights were suppressed? By voting rightly we can set a great example for the coming generations and secure future not for them but for ours also.
  6. Voters decide who wins or who loses, pollsters or opinion making media doesn’t. They can influence you but they can’t vote instead of you and like each of us they only have one vote! Right to decide our future is in our hands.
  7. Ballot is more powerful than bullet, we can change our lives through ballot paper.
  8. While how and whom we vote is confidential but the fact that whether we have voted or not is on public records. Elected officials would know which individuals and demographic groups are voting and those demographic groups who voted more would influence the policies of the government.
  9. There is no “could have”, “might have”, “should have” done things differently after the elections. There is no excuse not to vote for your candidate.
  10. If you want to be be a part of history, vote wisely, otherwise your community will be forgotten and forbidden from many rights!
Read also:  Babasaheb Ambedkar's Warning To The Untouchables

[bctt tweet=”In the game of democracy, non-voters are voiceless and spectators don’t count! ” username=”velivada”]

Author – Jayant Pathri and Velivada Team

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  1. 1
    Ingle Prakash

    This is the biggest problem of SC,ST,OBC people that they r not able to understanding the game of politics. They must come together for their rights.

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