Read Yogi Adityanath’s Story Through A Few News Reports


Many on social media are questioning the BJP’s decision to appoint Yogi Adityanath as next CM of UP. One user wrote –

[bctt tweet=”If Babri culprit Advani can become Home Minister, why not Yogi as a CM?” username=”velivada”]

Earlier we posted another article about Yogi Adityanath’s anti-Muslim and anti-Christian statements. In this post, find below story of Yogi Adityanath through his statements and news clips.

Yogi and his Hindu Yuva Vahini have been blamed for many riots in Eastern UP over the years. Yogi has delivered many hate speeches. If BJP is actively responsible for polarisation, the opposition is passively responsible for it not being able preserve the democratic values.

In next few days, Manuwadi media will project Yogi Adityanath as a strategic move by PM Modi to end all the problems in UP! Just wait and watch how Manuwadi media in next few days will convince you that how Yogi Adityanath is the best choice for the UP.

Read also:  Why Brahmins Hate Reservation? - By E. V. R. Periyar

Before Manuwadi media tells you something, just go through the history of the next UP CM.

Check out following news reports from various sources to know next UP CM better.

Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements Yogi Adityanath Statements

Will such a hate monger prove to be good CM for UP? What next hold for the people of Uttar Pradesh? Is India heading towards becoming a full-fledged Hindu theocratic state?

Source for news clips – Alt News

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