What Brahmin Merit? In Punjab, with 98.92% marks, a Dalit girl secured 2nd position in class 10th!


Few weeks back, I wrote on What Merit? In Punjab, Class 12th, Dalit Girl got 7th position and a Muslim Girl became topper. Now, here is another on the same lines, Punjab School Education Board announced results for class 10th few days back. This time also, a Dalit girl named Nancy Bhadiyar, a student of Government Senior Secondary School, Ghagwal, Hoshiarpur, secured second position with 98.92 per cent marks. It is a remarkable achievement and I congratulate her on her success.


When toppers are from Dalit-Bahujan communities, what merit so called Brahmins and upper castes talk about all the time? Few years back, V. T. Rajshekar had said,

“all ruling classes built” a theory by suited to their needs and try to give a ‘scientific’ backing to it. Merit and efficiency is a pure Aryan invention, aimed at maintaining their monopoly”.

Check also – How Brahmins are enjoying reservation since ages – The History of Reservation in India.

Read also:  [Video] Hitler reacts to Hyderabad University Unrest

Photo credit – Lokleader

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  1. 1
    Mathangi Raja Ramesh

    Let the dalit sons and daughters show to this world that merit cannot be acquired by birth, it can be achieved by hard work and merit is not birth right of few.

  2. 2
    P V Surya

    Who bhiramans nobody in the world…
    Who told I’m bhiramans , he is cheating
    Who knows well about Human and humanity
    He is the bhiramans..
    Wear cross belt how can we accept bhiramans..
    My dear ancestors bhiramans he well knows
    What is the world… Human
    Wrote the poem..

  3. 3

    Merit is not a caste. If anyone who gets %age lesser than 98.92% gets admission in educational institute or job based on reservation, then it is termed as ‘merit being overlooked’.

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