When Babasaheb sought Shahu Maharaja’s financial support

C/o Henry S. King & Co.                               

9. Pall Mall, London S.W.

4th September 1921

My Dear Maharajasaheb,

As directed by Mr. Dalvi I am placing my financial difficulties before you in the hope of getting some relief. But I am sorry to have to approach you but thinking that as you had been pleased to regard me as your friend you would do something to enable me to tide over my difficulties. They have chiefly arisen through the fall in the Indian exchange on London. When I left India I had calculated the total expenses I would have to incur for my two years’ stay in London and according to then prevailing rate of exchange I found that I had sufficient funds for my purposes. But as the funds had bee invested by a friend with whom I had deposited them, I was not able to transfer them to London at the time when I left India. Last year in the month of December when the funds were sent to me I found that owing to the low rate of exchange the funds realized a sum in London which fell short of the required amount by nearly £ 150. I have to pay £100 for my Law fees and need about another £100 for my return passage to India. In all therefore I need about £200 to tide over my difficulties. I would be very much obliged if Your Highness can see your way to help me with a loan of that amount. I will repay it with interest when I return. The matter is so urgent and I know so few people that I ventured to sound the matter by first approaching Mr. Dalvi and as Your Highness desired me through him, to write directly I feel sure that hopes are not misplaced.

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I hope Your Highness is enjoying good health. We need you ever so much for you are the pillar of that great movement towards social democracy which is making its headway in India.

Awaiting the favour of an early reply I am yours sincerely.

B.R. Amedkar

(Source: Shahu Research Institute Kolhapur. Shahu Maharaj commemorative souvenir 1981).

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