The Dalit Panthers

The Dalit Panthers was a social organization founded by Namdeo Dhasal, Raja Dhale, J.V. Pawar and Arun Kamble on 29 May 1972 in Mumbai. Formed in the state of Maharashtra in the 1970s, they ideologically aligned themselves to the Black Panther movement in the United States.

Dalit Panthers

Dalit Panthers

During the same period, Dalit literature, painting, and theater challenged the very premise and nature of established art forms and their depiction of society and religion. Many of these new Dalit artists formed the first generation of the Dalit Panther movement that sought to wage an organized struggle against the varna system. Dalit Panthers visited “atrocity” sites, organized marches and rallies in villages, and raised slogans of direct militant action against their upper-caste aggressors.

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The Dalit Panthers’ Manifesto defines Dalits as “all those who are exploited politically, economically and in the name of religion.” They classified “American imperialism” in the same category as “Hindu feudalism”; with both being examples of caste hierarchy. They also asserted that while Hindu feudalism may have spawned caste inequality, its extension by the modern Indian state had created an oppression “a hundred times more ruthless.”

Read AlsoSiddharth Vihar is gone – Place where Dalit Panthers was founded. 

Their firm stance and rallying message across Maharastra made their members frequent targets of state surveillance and brutality. Their legacy lives on in states across India, including in Tamil Nadu’s VCK Dalit Panthers Political party. Read their manifesto from here.

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  1. 1

    What about Dalit Panthers movement successfully carried on by Shri Ramdas Athawale, now National President of RPI? Why no mention about that?

    • 2

      Thank you for the information. And I agree there are many people carrying forward the ideology of Dalit Panthers but this information provided above by the team is just the brief info and no way represents the whole history of Dalit Panthers.

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