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Matters Of The Life – Doctors For Ambedkarism


Today’s count of SC/ST doctors is an estimated 3 lakhs. We feel proud of the fact that some of them are indeed Ambedkarites and are paying back to the society by various means. We feel greater pride that some amongst them have taken additional responsibility and are regularly coming up with their articles at Velivada.

In addition to their primary responsibilities of healthcare, esp. in times of pandemic, we appreciate their literary contributions and acknowledge their insight.

“Doctors for AMBEDKARISM” at Velivada is a dedicated space for medicos to share their knowledge, experience and analysis of Dalit issues. After all, they know that panacea of all our miseries is Ambedkar’s thoughts.

As it is said that the intellectual class is the ruling class, we at Velivada plan to provide space for lawyers, engineers, teachers and other professionals soon. Watch this space for frequent updates.

In the first article under “Matters Of The Life – Doctors For Ambedkarism”, Dr Amritpal Kaur talks about the potential of Buddhism in bringing social and political change. Read the article from –

Social and Political Revolutionary Potential of Buddhism

In the second article, written by Dr Raj Kumar Hans and compiled/edited by Dr. Jas Simran Kehal, the author talk Dalits, Sikhs and Sikhism. Read the article from –

Making Sense of Dalit Sikh History


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