How Bramhins Conceal Their Inhuman, Cruel and Cunning Deeds By Using The Name and Imagery of Buddha ?


Not so long ago when the Indian Prime minister, Narendra Modi, a lifelong staunch stalwart cadre of RSS, the paramilitary organization running an age old Bramhinical divisive ideology across the world, proclaimed that India gave the world “Buddha” (signifying peace), not “Yuddha” (War). This proclamation came forth after the wake of questions arose in the United Nation’s General Assembly held in September, 2019 on the issue of Indian government’s arbitrary crackdown on Kashmir after the abrogation of Kashmir’s special status, granted by article 370, by parliamentary resolution.

Despite the multitude of tactics and chicanery on the part of the deadly nexus of India’s ruling party, BJP, media, army chiefs, and RSS ideologues, it is no longer hidden that the Kashmiris are held hostages in their own state, deprived of even basic human rights, subjected to brutal and heinous treatment by armed forces, and ghettoized and isolated from the rest of the world.

One could wonder why Buddha’s name and his great legacy of social movement for the human liberation from all forms of suffering, and for the world peace, is used to hide such an inhuman and ghastly treatment of Kashmiris by the Indian government.

If we dig up our history a little bit, the very Bramhinical strategy that makes the use of “Buddha” to cover up their inhuman and cruel actions reveals itself.

Buddha Brahmin

The name, “Smiling Buddha”, was used as the code-name for India’s first nuclear test, also known as “Pokhran-I”, during the regime of Indira Gandhi as the Prime Minister of India. Controversies erupted post this test as it was seen by the world’s global peace watchdogs as the threat to the peace between India and Pakistan. Another great icon of RSS, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, a self-proclaimed Sanatani and Bramhacari Bramhin, and then Prime Minister of India gave a nod to India’s second nuclear test, also known as “Operation Shakti”. Even then, the same trick was played by the Bramhinical ideologues to fight the criticism against this test by ironically saying “thus Buddha smiled” in the media.

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It would not be an exaggeration to say that India’s Bramhin rulers have adopted such dirty tactics of maligning Buddha’s image and his legacy to do away with any form of criticism leveled against their actions.

modi buddha salute

Now it has been a common practice among every other bramhinical ideologue to use Buddha’s names, for example, Buddha’s land is often used for India whenever Bramhin ruled Government of India commits any unlawful actions no matter even if it is in the name of security, whenever their unjust and inhuman actions are criticized.

fm india buddha gift

This deadly trend is not going to stop unless we determine ourselves to stop them. We must remember that Buddha’s legacy of social revolution against Bramhinical ideological system was undermined by Bramhins by proclaiming him to be the avatar (incarnation) of Bhagvan Vishnu, the supreme Bramhin God. It was an attempt to lull bahujans into thinking that Buddha was just another icon of Bramhin’s sanatana dharma that advocates inequality and oppression of Bahujans in the society.

yogi bill gates buddha

Fascist parties in other countries too having similar Bramhinical ideology seem to have indulged in using the same dirty tactics. Myanmar and Sri Lanka are two prominent Buddhist countries where ruling fascist group mercilessly unleashed violence on helpless minority groups.

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Image source- from Facebook page “#IAmBuddha”

Recently, another such tactic is played by the Bramhin ideologues, Vivek Agnihotri, who incessantly spread nasty mythical narratives and who contributed to the coinage of term “Urban Naxals.” He uses the texts such as “Buddha Talks”, “Buddha Speaks”, etc. in the videos posted on the facebook page “IAmBuddha” before he goes on to utter bullshit Bramhinical propaganda out of his mouth signifying that it is in line with what Buddha preached and stood for. It would be too much to expect for any content in his videos, which advocates Buddha’s principles such as Equality, which is very much against Bramhins’ divisive inventions such as Varna and Caste, and Buddha’s fight against Bramhinical ideology, though he names his foundation after “Buddha”, i,e, “The Buddha Foundation”. Ironically, this propagandist spread Bramhinism in the name of ‘India’s cultural heritage’, ‘Creativity’, ‘Hinduism’ and so on. These shrewd tactics to impose Bramhinical mythology and fascist-cum-patriotic narratives are not new, but they are maneuvering themselves into new forms every day that Bahujans need to be wary of and fight everywhere. Bramhins like Vivek Agnihotri his likes are hell bent on reinventing their primitive savagery today to manipulate gullible Bahujans and render them oppressed and slaves to the bramhinical inhuman principles.

Author – Satyashodhak

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