Do Quora Moderators Wear Janeu And Moderate Content With Janeu?


So, I wrote an answer on Quora against the Caste system of Hinduism and wrote how horrible it is and compared the Hinduism with Hindutva, which is nothing but the same. [Velivada website wrote about it in details about the false distinction being created by Brahminical mindsets.] The answer was a direct reply to Brahmins on Brahminism as they never speak against Brahminism.


No surprise but soon the answer was collapsed/removed by the Quora moderation. The reason they gave me for removing the answer was it violates BNBR (Be Nice Be Respectful) policy.

Not only that but I received warnings from the moderators that if I continue to write like this I would be permanently banned from Quora. My post being removed from Quora is not an isolated single incident but a trend or common practice on various social media platforms. Dalit-Bahujans have faced similar restrictions on various other social media platforms from posts being removed to blocked from posting. Pardeep Attri mentions correctly that social media is not social at all and caste discrimination and casteist abuse has followed Dalits on social media platforms as well.

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There are many Islamophobic posts, answers supporting inhumanity, answers written against Dr.B R Ambedkar with false information with 14,000 upvotes, these kinds of answers will not collapse/removed. But answers against the caste system are removed by the moderators of Quora.

Not only this, Brahmins on Quora are openly discriminating on basis of caste but the Brahmins doesn’t receive any warning. Why this sheer hypocrisy of Brahminical Quora moderation?

quora abuse

As you can see I point out one of the profiles of Quora moderator, he is also a Brahmin and being bigot while replying.

This is how people get caste privileged by birth. There are hardly any Bahujan voices on Quora and if anyone speaks and shows mirror to Brahminical mindsets, those posts and content are removed. This is how Brahminisn works, trying each and every way to suppress the voices of marginalized.

Read also:  Dalits - Mystery and History of Merit!

Author – Rohit Bhalerao

[P.S. – In case any of our readers have experienced the same, let us know in the comments and we will try to update the post with more details. – Editor Velivada]

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