Why Do Brahmins Hate Buddha?


Brahmin Bhide started spewing venom on the Buddha after Shudra OBC PM Modi invoked the Buddha in UN.

It is said that India’s greatest export to the world is the Buddha. The biased history has it that Buddhism disappeared from India, the statement that can be corrected easily with new research that Buddhism got transformed and was assimilated, but never fully destroyed.

As the noted British historian Nesfield noted: Indian history is nothing but the history of conflict between Buddhism and Brahmanism. Unless one understands this dialectics of conflict between two visions, Indian history cannot be discerned. To bring to live the message of L.M. Joshi, to discern Buddha is to understand the history of India till date.

The Brahminical symbols are not accepted in the world due to their inherent bias towards hierarchical society. Kings in the ancient times found the Brahminical philosophy of hereditary hierarchy useful to support their rule. Even then, the spread of Brahminism is limited to the confines of political India. What was developed as the Hinduism is the appropriation of something that is amorphous and basically divided? Even today, the fight between Brahmins and non-Brahmins is going on in India.

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There was a considerable time period in the history of India where Brahminism was a defeated force. Not only in India, but in Afganistan, Pakistan, and considerable part of central Asia was in the spell of Buddhism. The fall of Buddhism by the violent attack of Arabic Islamic nationalism is a well-documented history and how the Mongols countered the Islamic invasion is interesting. Even today, Mongolia is a Buddhist country.

When the Muslims started invading India, Buddhism was in decadent due to the onslaught of Brahminism on Buddhism. Finally, Buddhism was assimilated in the garb of Hinduism. Technically, no one in India is a Hindu as there is no religious ritual, they are born in the caste and die in the caste. Also, Hinduism as an identity rose in response to the rise of Muslims in India. The Untouchables never claimed identity of Hinduism and they were never part of Hinduism.

This historical background is necessary to understand why Brahmins hate the Buddha even now.

This can be explained in the recent development in India. Narendra Modi, the misguided Shudra, do not belong to so-called dvija caste and by the standards of Brahminism, he is lower order being. Every time, Modi invokes the Buddha as his ancestral home was a great Buddhist site. As a lower caste, he has some fascination for Buddhism. However, his upbringing in the RSS which feeds the youths on the Muslim hate had made him anti-Islam. He invoked the name of the Buddha in the United Nations. He cannot invoke any Brahminical god or goddess.

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Bhide, the fundamentalist RSS-minded Brahmin, attacked what Modi said about the Buddha and called Buddha useless.

The Brahmins have tremendous hatred towards the Buddha and many instances from the history can be quoted. They fear that the rise of the Buddha and Buddhism will destroy Brahminism in India and it will shift the power in the hands of non-Brahmins. Modi as the lower caste shudra is just a pawn in the Brahminical game and the Brahmins like Bhide are upset that their pawn invoked their greatest enemy, the Buddha!

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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  1. 1

    This article doesn’t answer to it’s title question. It could have been a better article with more details and examples on exactly why Brahmins hate buddha and how?

  2. 2

    Biased and knowledgeable brahmins have always been against those philosophy that declares that all human beings are born equal, meaning that these biased brahmins always speak harshly about those who speak against the “superiority” of brahmins and brahmanical attitudes (caste system) practices.
    Budhism as is well know, at least in the olden days was against cast system and hence did not accept the “superiority” of brahmanis. (The fact that the modern day budhist monks and their followers seek to claim superiority over peoples of other faiths in certain regions of the world such as Sri Lanka and Mayanmar is besides the point here)

  3. 3
    Kiran Machiraju

    Sir I am surprised why do brahmins hate gautam buddha? I ask this because I am a Brahmin myself (a Karanam) and many black brahmins are named gautam and Rahul

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