When Savarkar Permitted to Use Rape as Political Weapon and Sanghis Followed


Immorality has always been a part of Brahminical religion and placing women society at the edge has been justified in Brahminical scriptures. Brahminism has used women’s bodies not only to show supremacy but women society has been kept under strict control through the authority over their bodies.

Rapes of Dalit women have been used as weapons to punish Dalits who defy the rules of the caste system.

It should not surprise anyone that BJP leaders are defending rapists accused in Kathua and Unnao rape cases. BJP is a party dominated by Brahmins.

When rape and murder of 8 years old girl should have shamed everyone, fanatic Hindu organizations, such as Hindu Sena, and Sanghis have come forward to defend rapists. Even lawyers prevented charge sheet being filed in the Sessions Court in Kathua.

Such acts are well planned to disrupt peace among different communities and deny justice to the victims. If this isn’t saffron terror then what is? Asifa Bano’s case has exposed the morally rotten Hindu society once again.

From where do these fanatic Hindus get inspiration? Apart from their scriptures, those project women as objects only, many so-called leaders of Hindutva organizations have defended rapes. One such name is V D Savarkar. In his book ‘Six Glorious Epochs of Indian History’, he recounts Hindus fight against Muslims. Savarkar justified rapes as a revenge. In justifying rapes, he promotes using rapes as political weapon.

Following part of the article is taken from an article by Subodh Varma, published at Newsclick.in 

Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, in one of his books Six Glorious Epochs of Indian History [pdf] clearly explains why raping of Muslim women is justifiable and not to do so when the occasion permits is not virtuous or chivalrous but cowardly. (See Chapter VIII, III. ‘Perverted Conception of Virtue’ of the online edition made available by Mumbai-based Swatantryaveer Savarkar Rashtriya Smarak)

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Savarkar explains at length that Hindus in the past had suffered from a ‘suicidal’ (para 452) sense of virtuousness and chivalry in showing mercy towards Muslim women by letting them off easily. He gives examples (para 450) of such famous figures as Chhatrapati Shivaji who reportedly let off the daughter in law of Muslim governor of Kalyan, and Peshwa Chimaji Apte who similarly allowed the wife of Portuguese governor of Bassein to leave unscathed.

In passionate tones, Savarkar argues that since Muslim oppressors had been punishing Hindu women, the same treatment should be meted out to vanquished Muslim women by Hindu victors.

“Once they are haunted with this dreadful apprehension that the Muslim women too, stand in the same predicament in case the Hindus win, the future Muslim conquerors will never dare to think of such molestation of Hindu women,” he writes (para 451).

He argues that had Hindus adopted this policy of ravishing Muslim women from earlier times, their condition would have been far better than today:

“Suppose if from the earliest Muslim invasions of India, the Hindus also, whenever they were victors on the battlefields, had decided to pay the Muslim fair sex in the same coin or punished them in some other ways, i.e., by conversion even with force, and then absorbed them in their fold, then? Then with this horrible apprehension at their heart, they would have desisted from their evil designs against any Hindu lady.” (para 455)

Apart from the erroneous notion which “every Hindu seems to have been made to suck, along with his mother’s milk” (para 429-430) that religious tolerance is a virtue, Savarkar also identifies the “foolish notion” among Hindus that to have “any sort of relations with a Muslim woman meant their own conversion to Islam” (para 453) as the reason for avoiding raping them. He writes that this notion restrained Hindu men from punishing “Muslim feminine class” (para 454).

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In case somebody starts feeling sympathetic towards Muslim women, Savarkar takes us on an unsubstantiated ride through all the wrongs that Muslim women have committed which include enticing Hindu girls and sending them to “Muslim centers in masjids and mosques” and generally supporting Muslim men in their violence against Hindus.

This is the kind of stuff RSS and its fronts have been propagating over the years and Veer Savarkar remains a much-admired hero among Sangh Parivar followers. It has inspired Hindu rioters to commit horrendous atrocities on Muslim women in Gujarat (2002) and Muzaffarnagar (2013), and many others.

So, for the rapists and murderers of Kathua or Unnao, whatever be their psychological compulsions, the ethical and ideological sustenance is drawn from none other than Veer Savarkar. Small wonder that it becomes so difficult for the Sangh Parivar to condemn them or take action. Small wonder that the list of BJP/Sangh members committing crimes against women goes on extending.

Followers of Savarkar have been working on fulfilling his dreams. A supporter of BJP leader Yogi Adityanath a few years ago delivered a speech saying they should dig out dead bodies of Muslim women and rape them. Recently, those who incited violence and encouraged killings and rapes of Muslims in 2002 Gujarat riots were freed by Brahminical courts.

Till such criminals are sitting in power and nothing good can be expected from them.

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