Self-Promotion over Organisation? We Need to Set Priorities Right


It was a time of Kanshiramji when the media guys would do all that they can just to get a byte from Kanshiramji. All his life he kept media at safe distance, knowing fully well that the media will never report in our favour. On another hand, look at the current leaders of all varieties who self-promote on social media about their appearance in some tv debates. Some go live on Facebook as if they are addressing the nation. That is the reason we have lots of individual leaders/activists getting publicity whereas the organisations they work for are unknown in public domain.

Our leaders and activists need to take lessons from the functioning of RSS –

“For the RSS, the biggest reason for not engaging in media polemics and propaganda has been its guiding principle of avoiding self-promotion at all costs and simply keep on working silently. Its founder Dr Hedgewar firmly believed that propaganda and self-promotion create ego and this ego at personal and organisational level ultimately leads to corruption at both levels – not monetary corruption but importantly, intellectual corruption that feeds on ego”.

As we have leaders and activists fully engaged in the game of self-promotion, they all have developed big egos both at personal and organisational levels. This ego coupled with their self-interests which take precedence over larger societal interests are the reasons why our leaders can not come together and work for society.

Author – Jayant Pathri

Read also:  Dr. Ambedkar on Muslims/Islam, He Wasn't Anti-Muslim

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