Tell Us the (Dis)Advantages of the Caste System and How it has Harmed/Benefited You?
We know it might be controversial to call advantages of the caste system as, basically, it has been associated with negative aspects. However, as a discriminatory system, it benefits some at the cost of others. So, we are interested in hearing the voices of dominant castes on how the caste system has benefited them. It can be as minute as forming friendships to having access to social networks; tell us your stories of benefits that you get from the caste social hierarchy.
And those who have suffered because of the caste system, please submit your views on how the caste system discriminates and disadvantages you. Tell us your stories of facing challenges because of the caste system.
Submit your responses below.
[contact-form to=”velivada@gmail.com” subject=”Advantages of the Caste System”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Are you willing to talk to us more about the topic? (We might contact you via email)” type=”select” required=”1″ options=”Yes,No”][/contact-form]
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