Resolutions of 1st World Dalit Convention, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1998
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Held on 10th & 11th October 1998
Organised By The Dalit International Organisation
Sponsored By The Indian Progressive Front, Malaysia
We the Dalits of different parts of the world assembled here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 10th & 11th October 1998 for the First World Convention, do hereby solemnly and sincerely declare that we dedicate ourselves wholly for the blessed unity of the Dalit community throughout the world and would solidly stand united to struggle relentlessly for better and brighter future, dignity and respect of Dalits and other down-trodden communities.
Resolution 1
(a) This convention has recognized the initiatives towards the full development of the Dalit community throughout the world but deeply regrets the flagrant violations of Human Rights such as caste discrimination and atrocities committed on Dalits in India and other parts of the world. And India being the main culprit, innocent women and children face untold sufferings in their day-to-day life.
Therefore this convention unanimously resolves to urge the United Nations to immediately appoint “Special Rapporteurs” to commence investigation into this Human Rights violation and also take appropriate measures to affect the implementation of fundamental ‘Human Rights’ instrument for Dalits in India and other parts of the world.
(b) This convention also appeals to the United Nations to regard this problem seriously as it affects the lives and future of 300 million Dalits throughout India and the world who are facing a fate far worse than South African or American Apartheid.
Resolution 2
(a) This convention takes a serious view on the prevailing situation in India especially in most states where blatant violations of Human Rights and atrocities are day-to-day affairs of Dalits especially innocent women and children are persistently being kept under bonded labour to caste Hindu landlords.
Therefore this convention urges the Central and State Governments of India to immediately arrest the situation and also bring to book those culprits who are responsible for the heinous crimes committed on Dalit people.
(b) This convention acknowledges that innocent Dalits are being constantly harassed and victimized through criminal proceedings during frequent caste clashes in several parts of India.
This convention, therefore, urges that respective State Governments take appropriate measures and ensure that unbiased police action is taken and justice maintained.
(c) This convention therefore also urges the central and State Governments of India to safeguard all the rights provided for in the constitution especially the Reservation Quotas to SC/ST people at all levels including Police, Armed Forces, Judiciary and also immediately fill up all vacant places without any further delay.
(d) This convention urges the Indian Government to supervise
The strict implementation of the Reservation Rights at Local, State, and Federal levels including Police and Armed Forces and also give judicial and punitive powers to the National Commission for the welfare of SC/ST communities so that commission can play a meaningful and effective role.
There is very sorry state of affair in India . I am keen to be a part of such convention as I am seeings things going to worst stage since last 8-10 yrs.
Have there not been any other world conferences of Dalits after 1998? I am keen to know what actions are proposed to address the consolidation of the brahmin-fascist-corporate power in the past 23 years.
Agreed with this good initiative.