[Schedule and Joining Details For 90+ Events] Worldwide Equality and Knowledge Day Celebrations


Worldwide Equality and Knowledge Day Celebration on the occasion of 194th Rashtrapita Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Birth Anniversary and 130th Bharat Ratna Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Birth Anniversary

Find schedule along with joining details for various events that are being organized around the world here.

The year 2021 has been a difficult time due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Many countries are on the 3rd or 4th wave of a Covid-19 lockdown and due to this lot of local gatherings of any physical kind are strictly prohibited.

The worldwide Bahujan Indian community celebrates an online Cyber celebration to commemorate Equality day and Knowledge day on the occasion of the 194th Rashtrapita Mahatma Jyotirao Phule’s birth anniversary & Bharat Ratna Dr. B R Ambedkar’s 130th birth anniversary.

These online celebrations help the Bahujan community to come together and pay respects to tribute the beloved leaders like Rashtrapita  Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and Babasaheb Ambedkar by garlanding statues, lighting candles in front of their photographs, read their favourites quotes, and even cheer slogans such as “’JAI PHULE, JAI BHIM’,  ‘Mahatma Phule Amar Rahe, and Dr. Ambedkar Amar Rahe’” from their respective homes.

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The Bahujan community comes together from all over the world like The United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Holland, Austria, Belgium, Lebanon, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Brunei, Oman, Qatar, Dubai, Bahrain, Kuwait, Malaysia, and of course India.

These online cyber celebrations are telecasted live on Bahujan media networks like AwaazTV, MaitriTV, KanshiTV, Samyak India TV, BahujanTV, MNT News Network, MN Live, Dalit Dastak, and YouTube channels. They have used multiple online meeting platforms like skype, google hangout, Facebook, YouTube, Zoom, WebEx, Free-conference call, webinar jam, and GoToMeeting.

There was a huge Twitter presence with international followers of  #JyotibaPhule, #ज्योतिबा_फुले_जयंती, Dr. Ambedkar emoji, #AmbedkarJayanti, #JaiBhim, and #जयभीम,#अंबेडकरजयंती.

Nowadays, these online celebrations are getting overwhelming responses from all levels, all ages, and backgrounds of participants. There were multiple cultural activities performed by children, women, online Kahoot quizzes,  inspirational song competitions, speeches, book launches, blood donation camps, wheelchair donation camps, free food community kitchen, and paintings done to commemorate the celebration.

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“A symbol of humanistic thought and sacrifice by these leaders is a source of motivation and inspiration to all Bahujan community.” These cyber celebrations are continuing from the 1st week of May till the end of it at multiple locations across the globe.

The listed organization with their fliers online Jayanti celebration.

Report from Mahesh Wasnik, Detroit, Michigan

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