Government Scholarships for SCs, STs and OBCs to Pursue Higher Studies in India and Abroad
The focus on affirmative action policies in the popular discourse often zeros down to reservations. Currently, reservations are the strongest form of affirmative action which need to be vehemently defended and upheld. However, there are many more ways through which a state ought to (and it does) enable Bahujans to access the available opportunities.
In the field of education, particularly higher education, scholarships play a crucial role in opening up access to educational institutions. There are various central and state government scholarships that are available for pursuing higher studies in India and abroad. While there is some amount of awareness regarding scholarships available for pursuing higher studies in India, it is not the case with scholarships that are available to pursue higher studies abroad. I list here the schemes run by the Central government and various state governments that provide scholarships for higher studies.
Higher studies abroad
National Overseas Scholarship for SCs
It is a very comprehensive scholarship for those planning to do a Masters or a PhD from a foreign university. It provides for tuition fee, insurance, visa, travel, stipend and contingency allowance. Each year 100 scholarships are given by the Central government under this scheme with 30% of the scholarships reserved for women candidates. It is an important source of funding your study abroad if there are limited funding opportunities at your concerned foreign university.
For details check out their website: http://nosmsje.gov.in
National Overseas Scholarship for STs
A similar scheme is available for STs. Here’s the link to their website: https://tribal.nic.in/nos.aspx
Various state governments also provide scholarships for studying in foreign universities. They have slightly different requirements and benefits than the Central government scheme. Check out their websites for further information.
Maharashtra: https://sjsa.maharashtra.gov.in/en/scheme-category/education-training?&Submit=Submit&page=4
Telangana: https://telanganaepass.cgg.gov.in/OverseasLinks.jsp
(Andhra Pradesh also carries a similar scheme)
Kerala: https://bcdd.kerala.gov.in/schemes/educational-schemes/overseas-scholarship/ (There’s one for SCs as well but I’m not sure if it is running or not).
Rajasthan: https://www.sje.rajasthan.gov.in/Default.aspx?PageID=1164
Tamil Nadu: https://www.tn.gov.in/scheme/data_view/83108 (not sure if it is still running)
Karnataka: https://sw.kar.nic.in/foreignstudies/
Higher Studies in India
There is a dedicated portal that provides information on the scholarship opportunities available for pursuing higher studies in India. It is recommended that one should thoroughly go through this portal as there are numerous schemes that cater to the needs of SCs, STs, OBCs, single girl child and so on. There are scholarships that are available from pre-matric level to PhD and even Post-doc level. Some schemes even cover professional courses. Following is the link to the portal: https://scholarships.gov.in
With respect to higher studies, there are two kinds of scholarships available. The first is the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) which has reservations for SCs, STs and OBCs. Currently, it provides a monthly stipend of ₹31,000 for the first two years followed by ₹35,000 for the next three years. It also gives HRA and a contingency allowance of ₹10,000-₹20,000 per annum.
The second kind of scholarships are specially for people belonging to SC, ST and OBC categories. Thousands of scholarships are available in each category every year. Known as the National Fellowships the stipend and other allowances under these scholarships are the same as those under JRF. However, one needs to be enrolled in an MPhil or a PhD programme to apply for these scholarships.
National Fellowship for SCs: http://socialjustice.nic.in/SchemeList/Send/29?mid=24541
National Fellowship for STs: https://tribal.nic.in/nfs.aspx
National Fellowship for OBCs: http://socialjustice.nic.in/SchemeList/Send/7?mid=32549
The stipend for many of the scholarships before the MPhil level is quite less. There have also been allegations that scholarship amounts of various National Fellowships have not been disbursed on time or that the selection process has been very slow. These are serious matters which should be contested. What’s equally, or probably more, pressing is a lack of awareness regarding these scholarships. The awareness needs to grow so that more and more SCs, STs and OBCs get into higher education without financial burdens. The sphere of knowledge production which is heavily dominated by the men and women of the upper castes can be contested only then.
Author – Raj
To study to help others