Modi’s Jumla Politics – Vicious and Vindictive


When thousands of migrant workers were walking hundreds of miles to reach their native places because of no money and no job due to lockdown, Modi and his think tank sat for a discussion as to how to avoid embarrassment after lockdown and calm the angered citizens, who are furious because their fellow poor brothers and sisters are walking hundreds of miles to reach their places. So they came with a new jumla “Aatmanirbhar Bharat”.

Through this jumla, they will now convey a message throughout India and around the world with the help of their IT cell and Godi media that Indians are basically “Swabhimani” and poor migrant workers have proved this fact by walking hundreds of miles without taking help from Government. The last jumla at the end or before the end of lockdown will be “Swabhimani Bharatiyo Ka Aatmanirbhar Bharat”.

Modi led BJP government has nothing to offer for the poor downtrodden people except sympathies.

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If Modi had given ample time for Indians to prepare for the lockdown then these hunger associated tragedies would have been avoided. Unplanned lockdown plus Modi’s techniques of hiding the incompetence and failure using things like taali, thali and diyas were weird and antinational.

Jumla after jumla, BJP/RSS government has managed to keep everyone busy and opposition hasn’t been able to oppose BJP/RSS to the extent it should be doing. One must stand with truth and reality. As a citizen of this nation, we have to stand up with all those suffering and stand with those who are in need as well. At the same time, ask questions to the government is one of the main things that is right of every citizen.

Now when you are awakened to the truth, it is your duty as good citizens of India to tackle Modi’s political jumlas which look ethical but are vicious and vindictive in nature.

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Author – Aijazuddin Surkhi

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