Fekulogy of RSS and ThePrint – Spreading Fake Claims About Babasaheb Ambedkar


On Dr Ambedkar Jayanti, ThePrint published an article from RSS member Arun Anand claiming Babasaheb Ambedkar’s link to RSS. When Prof. Hari Narke, editor of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches, refuted such fake claims, yesterday, once again ThePrint carried another piece from the member of the Delhi State RSS executive claiming closeness of Dr Ambedkar to RSS and claim about Dr Ambedkar’s visits to RSS camps and how impressed he was and all that blah blah blah. We debunked that claim almost a year ago. There is no proof that Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar ever visited RSS camp or was impressed by RSS’s work. Instead, he had warned his followers that RSS is a dangerous organization.

As a proof to the claim that RSS Brahmin, Dattopant Thengadi, was appointed as general secretary of the Scheduled Caste Federation, Rajiv Tuli, RSS member, bring proof from ‘Organiser’, RSS mouthpiece and Brahminical propaganda magazine. Any writing from Organiser or any of the members of RSS does not carry more weightage than a pinch of salt in the ocean.

Not a single historian would accept such claims from Hindutva propaganda machinery so why is Brahmin-Bania outlet ThePrint and RSS pushing so hard to claim Babasaheb Ambedkar? It is nothing new, appropriation of Babasaheb Ambedkar by Brahminical media houses and fanatic organizations such as RSS is going on for a long time. All these Brahminical organizations want a piece of Babasaheb’s legacy to fulfil their ulterior motives, remember how RSS and media collaborated and pushed the fake claim that Dr Ambedkar was against Article 370. We debunked that claim as well.

All these Brahminical organizations that hated Babasaheb Ambedkar to the core, opposed him throughout his life, never accepted the Indian flag, forget about hoisting it, reject Indian constitution written by Babasaheb Ambedkar, now wants to grab Babasaheb Ambedkar to get some votes from Dalits. There are no such things as change of heart or love in their hearts towards Dalits, sidelining and killing Dalits is part of their ideology.

Read also – Against RSS – How Phule-Shahu-Ambedkar Thoughts Are Against Any Manifestation Of Brahminism

ThePrint Fake News Portal

Dalits on social media have started comparing Brahmin-Bania outlet, ThePrint, to a poisonous snake!

Do you think it is by chance that people from Gulf countries started tweeting about RSS’s crime against Muslims in India and Brahmin-Bania media started pushing fake news about Dr Ambedkar’s links to RSS? RSS needs Dalits on its side to continue its propaganda and to fight against minority communities. So, does it surprise you if RSS and Brahmin-Bania media starts pushing fake claims as RSS’s link to Dr Ambedkar? Well, it should not.

Instead of following the constitution of India, RSS follows Manusmriti and Manusmriti rules their hearts. Recently, RSS has come up with a new constitution called ‘India’s New Constitution’ based on the rules of Manusmriti. It was widely spread on WhatsApp groups by RSS members. Later, RSS distanced itself from it.

Read also:  Marathi Movie on Ramabai Bhimrao Ambedkar - Ramai

Here are a few points from RSS’s new constitution –

  • As per the new Constitution of India, India has been declared a ‘Hindu’ nation. From now on, India will only be referred to as ‘Hindustan’.
  • Government jobs and selection to Parliament and the legislative assemblies will be based on the ‘Varna system’ in Hindu dharma.
  • Women have been created by God to reproduce, hence her rights will be confined as per Hindu dharma. Women won’t have voting rights.
  • Hindustan’s president, prime minister, union ministers, chief ministers and cabinets and all MLAs and MPs will be Brahmins.

Coming back to the RSS members’ bogus claims about Babasaheb Ambedkar and distortion of facts.

To give the validity of his claims, Rajiv Tuli writes about the importance of oral history, ignoring the fact that oral history is tainted in a variety of ways so taking it from some right-wing fanatic Hindutva organization such as RSS, it would be much more dangerous and contaminated. I do not want to go into details on problems with accepting oral history, one can Google criticism of oral history and find like millions of reasons for not accepting oral history. But one thing that I surely want to say is that all historical sources, no matter oral or written, should be handled with equal skepticism.

Bringing in the aspect of the importance of oral history is a desperate attempt from RSS to give legitimacy to its fraudulent claims.

Read also – No, Dr. Ambedkar Did Not Appoint RSS Man Thengadi As His Election Agent – Rajiv Tuli Read Our Oral History

With all these articles what RSS members are trying to do is creating fake historical accounts to misguide Dalit-Bahujans. By the way, that is nothing new again and not surprising at all.

Rajiv Tuli blames Prof Narke for deviating from the debate on RSS and Dr Ambedkar’s connection. But just after blaming Prof Narke, Tuli in the next paragraph starts a discussion on Dr Ambedkar and his bitter relationship with Congress. It is laughable. How does Dr Ambedkar’s relationship with Congress matter in the debate on RSS and Dr Ambedkar’s relationship? Not only that, but Tuli also brings into debate Dr Ambedkar’s views on Communism and “radicalism in Islam”. One can not find any link between these and ongoing debate, how are these related to the discussion at hand? Only a Brahmin-Bania can blame someone else for deviating from the discussion and then continue to deviate and bring all kind of bullshit into the discussion.

As a matter of facts, Dr Ambedkar was not against Islam or Muslims. RSS members day and night continue to spread fake claims and misinterpretation of Babasaheb Ambedkar’s writings. Babasaheb Ambedkar even at one stage had advised Dalits to convert to Islam as well. Dr Ambedkar’s editorial titled ‘Notice to Hinduism’ in Bahishkrit Bharat newspaper (15 March 1929) exhorts people to convert to Islam if they are willing to change their religion. Bahishkrit Bharat, the newspaper started by Dr Ambedkar used to publish articles on Islam. Articles on Islam by Maharashtrian reformer Lokhitawadi were serialized over a number of issues in newspaper started by Dr Ambedkar.

Read also:  कौन है जो डिजिटल दलित से डर रहा है और बहुजन वेबसाइट पर रोक लगा रहा है?

It is simply mischievous that RSS continues to push bogus claims and misinformation regarding Babasaheb Ambedkar. Do RSS people think Dalit-Bahujans are so naive that they would not understand their hideous motives?

While mentioning about Babasaheb Ambedkar and Islam, RSS writers conveniently ignored Babasaheb Ambedkar’s views on Hinduism and Brahminism. Such snakes! All such attempts to distort Dalit-Bahujan history and appropriate Babasaheb Ambedkar must stop. Lastly, Brahmin-Bania media outlet ThePrint must apologise for their complicity in spreading bogus claims.

Hindu Mahasabha is the parent organization of RSS. Let’s end this discussion with what Babasaheb Ambedkar had written in chapter 2 of his book, “What Congress and Gandhi Have Done To Untouchables”.

It will be seen how the Congress washed its hands of the problem of the Untouchables. It need not have added insult to injury by relegating it to the Hindu Mahasabha. There could not be a body most unsuited to take up the work of the uplift of the Untouchables than the Hindu Mahasabha. If there is anybody which is quite unfit for addressing itself to the problem of the Untouchables, it is the Hindu Mahasabha. It is a militant Hindu organisation. Its aim and object is to conserve in every way everything that is Hindu, religious and cultural. It is not a social reform association. It is a purely political organisation, whose main object and aim are to combat the influence of the Muslims in Indian politics. Just to preserve its political strength, it wants to maintain its social solidarity, and its way to maintain social solidarity is not to talk about caste or untouchability. How could such a body have been selected by the Congress for carrying on the work of the Untouchables passes my comprehension. This shows that the Congress wanted somehow to get rid of an inconvenient problem and wash its hands of it. The Hindu Mahasabha of course did not come forth to undertake the work for it had no urge for it and also because the Congress had merely passed a pious resolution recommending the work to them without making any promise for financial provision. So the project came to an inglorious and an ignominious end.

Author – Pardeep Attri

Hindu Mahashaba rss ambedkar

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