Class Differences Will Come Second, Destroy Caste First
I am waiting for such a person to come in power in India who must believe and will work to establish the “ultimate democratic system” with full respect to the constitution of India. A system based on equality in the social, economic and political spheres. The persona will inspire the nation for “compassion”, extracted from Buddhism and will be an integral part of the daily-life of Indians.
Indian communists or so-called leftists have never fought against the varna system/manuvad/ Brahmanism or by whatever name you call it. More specifically, they have never acknowledged the presence of these social evils and caste problems in Indian society. Even if they ever accepted the presence of problems, they refused to fight against it or even raise a voice against that.
The excuses they give are that all problems will be solved as soon as the proletarians come to power by winning the bourgeoisie through “class-struggle” between “haves vs. have-nots”. In a September 27, 1929 editorial in Bahishkrut Bharat entitled ‘First the Pinnacle, then the Base’, Babasaheb Ambedkar wrote that,
‘if Lenin had been born in India, he would have first annihilated casteism and untouchability and without that he would not have brought forward the idea of revolution’.
Furthermore, as of today, there is no realistic classification of who is the bourgeoisie and who is proletarian in Indian society. As a result, Stalin’s fellow comrades could not identify their enemy in India as of today. Hence, even if Stalin himself even comes on Indian soil, he will fail to establish his socio-political philosophy. Until the caste system is there, there can never be any revolution in Inda. Even if there would be by any chance, it would lead only to power concentration in a few hands, making conditions much worse as already almost most of the resources and positions are occupied by Brahmins in India.
Read also – Can Communism and Democracy Work Together? – Dr Ambedkar’s Views
But when Dr. B. R.Ambedkar analyzed the Indian social system and proved that communism can’t be established without changing the Indian social system i.e. he asserted that only after caste system is destroyed then only class system can be handled. The first step is the end of caste only then will be a class struggle in India can bring equality in India on class level. The success of such struggle will pave the way for equality in India because, within the caste struggle, self-respect movement and economic emancipation movement and above all brotherhood movement are embedded.
Now notice that all of these movements are bloodless movements that are possible only if the caste system built on superiority based on birth is destroyed.
On the other hand, class struggle has accepted bloodshed. The transfer of power will be in accordance with the constitution of India, written by Dr B. R. Ambedkar, only if the caste system is destroyed first. If there is any personality at present in India, who is working for destroying the caste system and setting up the right conditions for revolution in India, it is Ms Mayawati, our beloved Bahenji.
Author – Ranjan Majumder
Read also – Buddhism and Communism – Babasaheb’s Comparative Analysis
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