Against RSS – How Phule-Shahu-Ambedkar Thoughts Are Against Any Manifestation Of Brahminism

Against Brahmins, against Brahminism, against all Brahmin leaders, against RSS: How Phule-Shahu-Ambedkar thought are by default against any manifestation of Brahminism!

Jotiba Phule and the beginning of Bahujan Nationalism

Alliance of Shudra and Ati-Shudra formed by Jotiba Phule

Phule understood the efforts of the Brahmins to create an artificial religion called Hinduism to give a monolithic frame to include all the castes to take advantage of the political situation. This is the reason Jotiba described Hinduism as the machination of the Brahmins and called it artificial religion.

Instead, he advocated the unity of Shudra and ati-Shudra against Brahmins and Banias and gave the majority of Indians a new framework of religion which was based on truth-seeking.

Shahu-Ambedkar friendship and vision of New India

On 23rd June 1920, Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj wrote a letter to his friend Sir Alfred Pease of England introducing Babasaheb Ambedkar. While introducing Babasaheb, Chhatrapati wrote:

He (Dr. Ambedkar) will explain you difference between the Backward classes and Brahmin bureaucracy.

Further, in this letter, Maharaja wrote:

He (Dr. Ambedkar) intends to lay before the enlightened public of England the viewpoint of non-Brahmin Hindus who are unanimous in the opinion that in asking for the home rule the real object of Brahmins has been to regain and establish their long lost power… A Brahmin oligarchy possessed of political power will be a menace to the empire and a drag on the onward march of the Indian people.

This letter shows clearly that the backward classes and the untouchables were forming an alliance against the Brahminical oligarchy to the extent that Chhatrapati and Babasaheb were marching together. Sadly, Maharaja died in 1922 and a set back to the non-Brahmin movement affected future unity.

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The Rise of Brahmin oligarchy (RSS) against Bahujan nationalism

The scholars have argued that RSS was for formed to counter “Non-Brahmin movement”: it was never a nationalistic movement, in essence, it is anti-national movement.

Bahujan Nationalism

A look at the history of nationalism will show that nationalism in England began when the equality between the classes started collapsing and the social classes could not be confined to sharply marked classes and hence they needed a broad identity to make sense of their individuality. If equality is the precondition of nationalism and eventual democratisation of the society, the Brahmin oligarchy as it is opposed to equality and equal representation to all is the antithesis of nationalism.

The only authenticate nationalist movement is the Bahujan movement. The firm believers in equality for all, and representation to SC, ST, OBC, and welfare of all never accepted Brahminical oligarchy.

Babasaheb Ambedkar never gave any respect to Brahmins and Brahmin-led pseudo nationalistic organisations like RSS.

The figment of imagination and inferiority of Brahmins

Why are Brahmins trying to appropriate Babasaheb?

It is a historical truth that the Babasaheb, being a non-violent revolutionary, saved Brahmins in Maharashtra from massacre after the assassination of Gandhi by a Brahmin. Babasaheb did not encourage the killing of Brahmins even when he was against their power. RSS brahmins, particularly in Maharashtra, have to be exceptionally grateful to him. It is true that some of them thought of him as the saviour, and it is equally true that Babasaheb never paid much attention to RSS as he hoped that the unity between the SC, ST, and OBC will decimate RSS easily. So to say that Babasaheb Ambedkar admired RSS is propaganda and that to worst one.

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It is now clear that RSS is losing hold over the masses and that the only thing that keeps RSS hold is the propagation of lies and the rise of Ambedkarism destroys all the lies and propaganda of RSS.

Internationally, the RSS has put India in trouble and surely OBC will slip out of RSS/Brahminical fold if more and more OBC read Babasaheb and it is happening and Bahujan nationalism is growing.

Read also – Fekulogy of RSS and ThePrint – Spreading Fake Claims About Babasaheb Ambedkar

Brahmin liars and fake nationalists

RSS and its ideologues are well-known liars. Golwalkar’s Bunch of Thoughts is actually a bunch of lies. Thengdi’s self-claimed statements cannot be taken as true statements. They are a bunch of lies. They were many educated Ambedkarites to handle election of Babasaheb in 1952 and Thengdi and others of his ilk were no match with educated people like Barrister Khobragade who managed the election campaign for Babasaheb. Babasaheb never demeaned his people and to say that he put a non-entity Thengdi above his people is an insult to the community.

Time to read and debate Babasaheb on Brahmins and Brahminism

This is the time we should have a national reading of Riddles in Hinduism and read a scathing attack of Babasaheb on Brahminism.

O fake nationalist Brahmins, are you up for facing the truth?

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

Read also – Did Dr Ambedkar Really Visit RSS Camp, Pune? Fake Quote Alert!

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