Understanding Untouchability As A Mental Twist Of The Hindus


Dr. Ambedkar speaking on the First Report of Commissioner for Scheduled Castes in the Rajya Sabha (House of the Representatives) had this to say about ‘Untouchability’:

“I have no idea what my Hon’ble friend means by the abolition of untouchability. What is ‘Untouchability’? Untouchability so far as I understand is a kind of disease of the Hindus. It is a mental twist. Every Hindu believes that to observe untouchability is the right thing. I do not understand how my friend is going to untwist the twist which the Hindus have got for thousands of years; unless they are all sent to some kind of mental hospital. It is very difficult to cure them and I do not want them to be sent there….. Besides, all must realise that Untouchability is founded on religion. There is no doubt about it and let us not be ashamed of realizing it. ”Manu” in his law books very definitely prescribes untouchability. He said that ‘untouchables’ should live outside the villages. They shall have earthen pots; they should not have clean decent clothes; they shall beg for their food and so on; I cannot see how you blame the Hindus”.

Dealing with various problems of the Scheduled Castes (the statutory title of the Untouchables), Dr. Ambedkar said, “I do not think that untouchability will vanish. They (the HINDUS) believe ‘YES’. I think ‘NO’ because as I said, it has a mental twist. It will take years and years. At the same time, there is no reason why we should not strongly agitate for seeing whether untouchability goes or not, that the social, economic, political and constitutional rights of the Scheduled Castes are fully protected. To that extent, efforts must be directed.”

Understanding untouchability as the mental twist of the Hindus and protecting social, economic, political, and constitutional rights of Scheduled Caste

In two profound paragraphs, Babasaheb Ambedkar detailed out the strategy for Scheduled Castes. Babasaheb Ambedkar knew that religions cannot be legislated and if untouchability is the religious practice of Hindus that distorted their minds, the remedy is to send them in the mental hospital. Of course, Scheduled Castes cannot do it and surprisingly Babasaheb is clear about it in these profound paragraphs.

Read also:  Daily Words of Buddha for 11th July

Can we then waste our time on mentally reforming the Hindus to end untouchability?


What do we do then?

Safeguard our social, economic, political, and constitutional rights.

We can actually list down our rights and fight for it. This means we need a wide mobilization of the community for safeguarding our social, economic, political, and constitutional rights.

Then, why did Babasaheb Ambedkar embraced Buddhism?

Clearly, Babasaheb Ambedkar did not stress on “mentalistic” aspect of Buddhism. He stressed on self-leadership to move forward with all human strength and therefore the Buddha and His Dhamma is written to guide the community in self-confidence and self-leadership.

It is very clear that Babasaheb saw very early on this path of responsible leadership in the Buddha in 1936 when he told his followers at the end of his speech “What Way Freedom”:

Read also:  Hindu Violence against Buddhism in India has NO Parallel

Atta Dipa Bhava

Be your own light
Be your own refuge
Make yourself the light to guide you and others.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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