Ambedkarite Thinkers Series – Vimal Kumar, Founder of Movement for Scavengers Community


Growing up in a community in Haryana where as a young boy discriminated so harshly that the young boy could speak for a few years rose up to become the Next Generation leader lauded by American institution; that young boy turned himself into an Ambedkar Thinker and leader. Vimal Kumar and his extraordinary life is the model for youths belonging to any community.

When Vimal was growing up, the social situation around him was hostile. He was repeatedly called names and abused with casteist slurs and made to feel that he was not even a human being. This social hostility turned Vimal into a rebellious person, and the psychological toll it took on him was severe.

Realising the gross injustice around him and facing the existential threats, Vimal fought back. He fought back with the weapons of education, agitation, and organisation. On the educational front, Vimal went onto pursue PhD in the prestigious institutions. His educational achievements are exceptional. He is often invited in seminars is the prestigious universities in the USA where he is based and teachers.

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While pursuing his education, Vimal never disowned his community. He started organising communities around small libraries he set up. His movement of inspiring youths from the Dalit community encouraged many young people to seek higher education. Besides encouraging youths for higher education, Vimal started to educate youths in the sociology of caste, life and mission of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, liberation movement of Dalits.

Read also – Ambedkarite Organisation Series – Maitreya Bauddha Vihar, An Ideal Of Community Service

Vimal never compromised with his commitment to the community and very early on reached to youths beyond his home state, Haryana.

The movement he initiated is called “Movement for Scavengers Community (MSC)” and his war cry is “Jai Bhim” and the community that is coming into being is “Jai Bhim Community.”

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Movement for Scavengers Community

“MSC is an NGO founded by young people, social activists and like-minded people in 2009. Many members of MSC experienced caste discrimination first-handed. The organization commits itself to the social and economic empowerment of the scavenger community through the medium of education and by connecting engaged actors all over the country, and also beyond.”

The MSC is not just concentrated on education of youths in several states of India, but it actually works on the ground with its volunteers force and networks several states.

During the Covid-19 crisis, the MSC started community kitchens feeding thousands.

One can see the great work done by MSC visiting their Facebook page and their website at

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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