Emerging Ambedkar Age – How Can We Accelerate The Emergence


The movement having a base among the people never fails and that the movement has reached far and wide is a sign that it is alive and vibrant. This year, Bhim Jayanti set a new benchmark for the community, people are locked down in their homes, but there was not less joy in the celebration of Bhim Jayanti. Generally during the Bhim Jayanti festivals, we are concentrated on our localities, villages, towns, and cities and though the Jayanti is celebrated in a big way locally, it lacked that exchange at a broader and wider level.

At their homes, people paid their homage to Babasaheb Ambedkar. They conducted Buddha Puja in families. And this was shared widely on social media increasing the feelings of solidarity by million folds.

The organisations arranged online talks of the eminent people and there were many opportunities to listen on any subject. The feast of knowledge was distributed freely. Meanwhile, the Ambedkarite did not lose sight of suffering people due to lockdown, the desire to serve and be helpful was evident.

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The cultural show broadcasted from the homes were simply beautiful and one had to sequence their time not to miss the shows. Incredible it is the adoption of the community to the sudden change.

Only a conscious and free and mobile community can adopt to quickly and the community that can quickly adapt to the new changes and survives is bound to forge ahead. Have no doubt on this.

We have to accelerate the process now given the positive conditions around us.

1. Let go of any inhibiting identity that limits our human personality. We can not be a slave to the caste and caste system. How we can glorify that oppresses us. Caste simply has no scope in the emerging Ambedkar Age.

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2. While we must continue to study identities or their nuances, the goal is ultimately to annihilate it. Babasaheb Ambedkar wanted to publish his paper on caste presented in the Columbia University and the speech prepared for Jat Pat Todak Mandal. The origin of caste and annihilation of caste. This method to study caste to annihilate it is a deeply intellectual project.

3. We need to find ways to associate with people across India and world opening new channels of communication.

4. This is a cultural fight our we must create a new culture.

5. Economic activities, particularly businesses, are the way to go to make our communities stronger.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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