Community Service – Relief Work In The Time Of Corona Virus Crisis


It is heartening to see many individuals and organisations from all over India coming forward to help people in distress and displaced. The scale of human misery is difficult to access but its magnitude is too high. The response of the Ambedkarites and Buddhists is praiseworthy and admirable. This momentum to serve people must be sustained and cherished.

The community mobilisation is taking place from the slums of cities to the people living in high rises. It is taking place in the villages and wherever the community is spread.

The support is flowing in cash and kind, but as important is the material help, psychological help is essential as well. When people care for each other, work for and work with each other, psychological help is taken care of already.

The first and foremost practice on the path of the Bodhisattva is Dana: this is not simple charity, it really happens when the dividing line between people is removed and therefore the ultimate basis of Dana is Samata, which is another name of Metta.

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In these critical times, Dana practised as Metta based on Samata is the essence of the Ambedkarite mission.

We can share only if we care and that caring is visible and felt across.

What we can share with our fellow human beings:

1. We can share material goods, particularly food and essential goods

2. We can share time by getting associated with responsible organisations and helping them with raising resources and distribution of food and essential commodities

3. We can share our confidence and appreciate the confidence and courage of others who are doing exemplary work

4. The lockdown can enable us to share our knowledge and skills with others. So much can be done using online applications and social media. We can volunteer to teach and may learn new skills.

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5. We can disseminate thoughts of Babasaheb by offering reading or discuss Dhamma online.

The community becomes a community by holding something in common. Ideas and things become common only through communication. Communication is the community.

We have to share and communicate on all different levels and via all possible media.

Some of us and our organisations must become bridges and platforms between those who have and those who have not. This exchange/bridge individuals and organisations will be critical to bridging the gaps between various units of society. These powerful nodes, junctions, and critical linkages will be beneficial to the community today and tomorrow.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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