Reflections On Ghumakkadi In The Time Of Corona Lockdown
Wandering is wondering about people and places. And the wanderers have changed the fate of humanity. Wandering is also educative process and it can humanise us by exposing us to diverse cultures, ways of being and thinking, and most importantly to our own prejudices and attitudes. In my early readings of Rahul Sankrityayan’s books, two of his books: Ghumakkad Shashra and Ghumakkad Swami: captured my imagination. And Ghumakkadi as a way of life I dreamt to pursue. The rough English translation of Ghumakkad is a wanderer, but can also mean a vagabond, happy-go-lucky attitude to life, not making one place a permanent abode, always flowing. The way of life-based on these attitudes is called Ghumakkadi, and there is science and art of practicing this way of life and also become a Master Ghumakkad.
Rahul Sankrityayan wrote a book on Science and practice of Ghumakkadi and to him, the greatest Ghumakkad was the Buddha. His disciples were also Ghumakkads and they wandered all over the world encouraging others to follow a similar way of life of wanderers.
If even a few people in the world become professional Ghumakkads the world will be a far better place.
An ideal of Ghumakkad is Rahul Sankrityayan himself. He wandered all over the places, married all over the places, mastered more than two dozens of languages, wrote extensively and widely, and communed with people from diverse cultures and societies.
To live a life of wanderer needs mastery over many skills. Rahul Sankrityayan suggested that one can at least master how to give a hair cut so that money can be earned on the go. In the present time, we can choose professions that do not need us to work 24/7 365 days. We can think of more creative ways.
Rahul Sankrityayan also recommended that a Ghumakkad needs to master some easy to carry the musical instrument. He recommends flute, and of course we can think of other instruments.
A Ghumakkad must be very open minded learning new language, new cultures, and delight in new foods.
As to what a Ghumakkad should carry, Rahul Sankrityayan leaves a set of instructions.
Is Ghumakkadi a solo activity? It can be done solo or in groups, but done it must be by travelling various places.
A Ghumakkad need not have to travel far distance, there is so much to explore in the vicinity. Ghumakkadi can be done by walking and slowing down and this is perhaps the best way to do it. The connotation of word Ghumakkadi is walking itself.
In the modern times, various modes of transportation can be used. Even a bike ride to some places can be educative and instructive.
Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist
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