Quora Moderators Hate Ambedkarite Perspective

Why do Brahmins hate Dalits? From real-life to reel life to social media, on each and every sphere of life Brahmins try their best to suppress others and deny so-called lower castes any opportunity to express themselves. Why do they hate Dalit-Bahujans? This question has popped up in my feed more than once and here in this article, I have tried to answer it. Maybe the question should rather be phrased as, “why are SC/ST/OBCs hated by the Brahmins?” Brahmins have a deep sense of hatred for the oppressed masses since time immemorial. They hate everyone who is a threat to the Brahmin hegemony, trying to preserve their dominance over each and every one.

And it is not surprising that the narrative is still spun around and the blame is put on the oppressed masses because Brahmins dominate the social media. Brahmins have mastered such skills to keep oppressed under their thumbs through their trickery and fear of religion.

As the corona outbreak in the world has affected almost everyone and but so-called upper castes, shameless creatures, are using such a terrible situation to make fun and degrade Dalit-Bahujans.

Here is one of the tweets that went viral on Twitter and is shared by thousands.

Sapna: The Corona must attack first on the SC/ST who use reservations *laughing emoji*

Shukla: The Corona virus must attack the minorities living in this country.

This is the hatred which they hold towards the minorities of India. Does Shukla know that the Brahmins are just 3–5% in the population, they themselves are in minority. Not just that 5500+ people have liked the tweet which says that the SC/ST should be the primary victim of Corona Virus. Such hatred toward SC/ST/Minority communities has destroyed any spirit of solidarity in the times of crisis.

How cleverly she missed the OBCs who also uses reservation because if she had tweeted for OBCs too, it would have strengthened the “Bahujan” narrative. As usual, Brahmins want to use the OBCs against SC/ST to further their cause. OBCs also don’t understand that they are still Shudra’s for the caste dominant community, ignoring the message of Babasaheb Ambedkar.

When I write against Brahminism on Quora, many people get triggered and then they start abusing me and can not argue with any concrete evidence or logic. All that they can do is abuse.

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See how “peaceful” they are

Translation: *Cuss* *Abuse* You a*s licker of Muslims. When the population of Muslims will increase then we will see how you protect your sisters and daughters or they will also become Muslim. *More abuse*.

This was the comment which I got from a “Privileged Brahmin” who got offended by me just for starting the space known as Indian Atheists. Space was created specifically for Indian atheists and rationalists to discuss over God and Religion but in disguise, they do the same things what any other religious fanatic do.

I don’t know why he got offended. Maybe because I started a space which would counter the Brahmanical narrative which collects money in the name of God and use it against Dalit-Bahujans.

Translation: Hey you *Chamar* please go away, will you give us disease by touching us??

They do not know that I do not belong to any caste since I am Ambedkarite and Atheist.

These are some of the comments I received through my writings on Quora. Good to see people getting triggered, it makes me smile that how ignorant these people are! 🙂

20th March is a day when the famous Mahad Satyagraha took place where Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar fought for the dignity and rights of humans so that so-called untouchables are recognized as humans. If you know when Babasaheb drank the water from Chavdar lake the news spread like fire, when the Brahmins and the Caste Hindus came to know about it, they brutally assaulted the Untouchables, just because they drank water.

So to “Purify” the lake they threw ‘Cow dung’ and ‘Gaumutra’ in Lake. For the Brahmins and Caste Hindu community water impured by dog/cow-dung is edible but the water used by the untouchables is impure. And this thinking still exists. I can give you examples if you want.

Where are those who boast about Hindu unity?

Where are those who boast about being “Proud Hindu”?

The Brahmins are very clever, they somehow maintain the fake Hindu-unity and at the same time they have immense hatred for the SC/ST/OBCs. They brainwash Bahujans through the Hindu narrative to fight for Dharma i.e Brahminism.

Translation: Brahmin-Mahasabha opposed OBC reservations.

Read also:  National Songs and Nationalism

Aren’t so-called Hindu’s in danger now?

Where is the Hindu Unity?

As I already said, the SC/ST/OBC community become Hindu’s only during riots otherwise they are still untouchables and Shudras for the privileged community. Sooner the OBCs understand that they are still Shudra’s for them the better it will be for them. When it comes to the rights you are made OBC and when it comes to riots you are made “Hindu”.

After all, this when Ambedkarites question the Brahminical hegemony which they have maintained through different ideological forms, they throw narrative that,

  • “Hindu’s are in danger”.
  • You don’t know anything other than ‘Hindu-Bashing’.
  • You are just ‘Anti-Hindu’.

How cleverly they become Hindu from Brahmin according to their needs. Such posts, arguments and comments are promptly deleted by moderators of Quora. Wonder what they are afraid of or what they are trying to hide or what kind of ideology or social media are they trying to create.

I wrote this answer on Quora which was anti-majority narrative. No wonder Quora moderators removed the answer from my profile without collapsing or notifying me. Do you think the answer is not based on facts or it’s false propaganda as spread by the Brahmins? It is not but is still removed by moderation.

After that, I wrote one answer complaining about the Quora moderators how the majoritarian propaganda narrative is not collapsed but the truth about Brahminism is removed by Quora moderators.

If you are against Brahminical hegemony your voice will be suppressed. And if you know that “India is the biggest democracy in the world, where every voice is heard irrespective of their ideologies/ privilege”, is the biggest joke ever.

And then there are those Brahmins who claim Brahmins, who dominate almost all spaces in India, are the most oppressed. Arguing against such claims with facts is just futile on Quora.


By the way, it is good to see fear amongst the moderators of Quora that they can not argue with facts and logic with an Ambedkarite. Finally, I would like to say a big thanks to Velivada for providing me with the platform to express my views.

Author – Rohit Bhalerao

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  1. 1
    Vijaykumar Tandale

    Articles in Velivada are to the points. Manuwadi will never agree to followers of Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar. Actually we don’t need any approval from Manuwadi.

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